Wednesday September 24 {TEK: 18; ELPS: 5B,} TEK: 18- write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions ELPS: 5B- write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary DO NOW-
TEK: write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions ELPS: 5B- write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary After I write this sentence, I need to get out my Comma Notes. Wednesday September 24 {TEK: 18; ELPS: 1E}
TSW use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics and sound work impact meaning. Go to your Comma Notes page in your journal and copy Comma Rule #2 TEK: 18Bii- ; 19B- use reading skills to understand author’s message [ELPS: 5E- employ increasingly complex grammatical structures] Wednesday September 24 TEK: 18Bii- comma placement in restrictive clauses and phrases; 19B- use reading skills to understand author’s message} [ELPS: 5E- employ increasingly complex grammatical structures]
TSW use capitalization rules accurately when writing. Make a page in your journal for Capitalization Lessons. Today, you will copy the Capitalization Rules TEK: 18A- ; 19B- use reading skills to understand author’s message[ELPS: Wednesday September 24 TEK: 18A- use conventions of capitlization; 19B- use reading skills to understand author’s message} [ELPS: employ English spelling patterns and rules with increasing accuracy]
TSW relate the figurative language device “tone” to a humument illustration from “Great Expectations. Homework : Great Expectations Artwork due on Friday September 26 Work on this for the remainder of today’s class. Read the second passage individually What is the tone? Box words and phrases that tell you the tone. “Humument” the rest of the passage by creating an illustration.Humument Wednesday September 24 TEK: 2C- relate the figurative language of a literary work to its historical and cultural setting; 19B- use reading skills to understand author’s message} [ELPS: 4J- …expand reading skills by employing inferential skills …]
Friday September 12 Advisory Period You must have prior written approval from a teacher before I let you leave Advisory Class. If you are failing my class, or do not have my assignments completed, you will not go anywhere! READ OR DO HOMEWORK! STAY QUIET!
TSW use the STAAR Rubric to revise and edit a short answer response. 1.Add to your journal the chart below. This is how your short answer responses will be scored and graded. TEK: 7- [ELPS: 1H- Monday September 22 TEK: 7- author’s use of sensory language} [ELPS: 1H- develop and expand repertoire of learning strategies; 4J- demonstrate English comprehension and expand reading Score PointGrade Nothing0