Multi Modal Learning Environment Critique and Analysis BrainPOP: Angles By: Ashley Malinowski
Summary of BrainPOP: Angles The ANGLES video on BrainPOP explains how to measure angles. In this video, Pablo writes a letter to Tim and Moby. He asks, “How do you measure angles?” Tim and Moby use math vocabulary words to help Pablo get a better understanding of angles. In this video you will learn about: rays, vertex, protractors, acute angles, right angles, obtuse angels, straight angles, supplementary angles, and complimentary angles. The audience will watch and learn details about NYSCCLS: Students will identify points, rays, and angles (right, acute, obtuse). URL of Video: metryandmeasurement/angles/ metryandmeasurement/angles/
New York State MATH Common Core Learning Standards Geometry 4.G Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles. 1. Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
New York State MATH Common Core Learning Standards The NYSCCLS relates to this Angles BrainPOP video because it teaches children how to measure angles.
Interactive Multimodal Learning Environments Special Issue on Interactive Learning Environments: Contemporary Issues and Trends By Roxana Moreno and Richard Mayer Pacing Principle: “Pacing is an example of controlling type of interactivity” (Moreno & Mayer, 2007). The Angles BrainPOP video gives children the opportunity to stop the video and/or wind it back. This video does not give students the chance to change it because it goes on it’s own pace.