1 By Mofida Albarrak Nursing teacher February 2004
Effective presentation skills
Effective presentation skills attempts to answer the fundamental questions of how to deliver any effective speech b How organize thoughts & data for maximum impact; b How to develop & use visual aids, as well as how to deliver what you have prepared. Introduction :-
Main Goal The audience will be able to :- deliver an effective presentation to others.
Objectives At the end of my lecture all the audience will be:- Understand how to make a plan. Understand how to make a plan. Use the eight steps for effective presentation. Use the eight steps for effective presentation. Recognize how to prepare a presentation. Recognize how to prepare a presentation. Relieve the anxiety during the presentation. Relieve the anxiety during the presentation.
Definition Presentation are speeches that are usually given in a business, technical, professional or scientific environment. Presentation are speeches that are usually given in a business, technical, professional or scientific environment.
Planning b Goals b Strategies b Objectives b Tasks b Resources b Personal appearance
b Goals : specific accomplishments achieved in order to reach to the larger,overall result. b Strategies : methods or processes required to achieve goals b Objectives : specific accomplishments to achieve the goals. Why How what
Tasks : assigned activities to perform implement the planTasks : assigned activities to perform implement the plan Resources : include people, material,technology,Resources : include people, material,technology, money..etc.money..etc. Personal appearance:-Personal appearance:- in general avoid excess. ( in clothes,colors, jewelry and makeup )in general avoid excess. ( in clothes,colors, jewelry and makeup ) How Where & when should
Cont’d Planning Write and document a plan document
8 steps to successful organization:- 1. Brainstorm main ideas 2. State the sub points 3. State the benefits 4. Develop handouts 5. Develop visual aids 6. Main idea preview / review sentence 7. Develop the introduction 8. Develop the conclusion
1- Brainstorm main ideas using cards b write one idea on each card b Let the ideas flow at this point don't edit b The strategy is to generate as many ideas as possible b Being eliminating some large ideas b Try to end up with between two & five main ideas
2- State the sub points b Develop supporting ideas b These may consist of explanation, data or other evidences to support your main ideas
3-state the benefits b You must tell the audience what is the benefits they will receive You must placed the benefits in the body of the presentation
4- Develop hand out Once you have decided what’s hand out would be beneficially, you must then decided when you are going to hand them out b Before the presentation b During the presentation b At the end of the presentation
5- Develop visual aids Use visual aids when you need to:- b Focus the audience’s attention b Stimulate interest b Illustrate factors that are hard to visualize b Reinforce your verbal message
Avoid “Data Dump” Crowding your presentation with too many visuals or too much information will reduce their effectiveness & you will lose impact. Usually, the fewer, the better
Avoid “Data Dump“ Avoid “Data Dump“ Crowding your presentation with too many visuals or too much information will reduce their effectiveness & you will lose impact. Usually, the fewer, the better
6- Main idea preview / Review sentence b Have you ever heard the saying:- Tell them what you’re going to tell them Tell them Then tell them what you told them In other words, preview & review the main point in your presentation
7- Develop the introduction It consist of two major functions:- 1. Providing necessary information 2. Getting attention
Types of introduction:- b Anecdote b Humor b Involving question b Rhetorical question b Shocking statement b Quotation
8- develop the conclusion Your conclusion should tell them what specific action they need to take, how to take it, & when it must be take it
Introduction & conclusion put the head & tail on the body of your presentation
Prepare for your presentation 1.Rehearse your presentation, standing up & using your visual aids
2. Control the environment by checking:2. Control the environment by checking: b Seating arrangements b Lighting b Microphones b Handouts b Pointers b Projection equipment to ensure it is available, in working condition, & has the required back-up supplies
How to deliver your presentation Use the eight steps of successful presentation Starting by Introduction & ending by conclusion
Presentation tips b Posture b Movement b Shoulder orientation b Gestures b Eye contact b Using your voice
Never Use photocopied or typed text Read from the screen
Avoid b b Too many words on one visual b b Using sentences b b Number with out diagrams Too much color & too many different fonts
Always *Use key words *Check material for Spelling & legibility *Allow time for good quality visual aids to be produced *Rehearse with the equipment
How to Deal with anxiety during presentation by :- b Breath deeply b Focus on relaxing b Move during the presentation b Maintain good eye contact
conclusion Check the following items as you prepare and then deliver your presentation:- 1. Deal with anxiety. 2. Plan and organize your presentation 3. Prepare of presentation 4. Delivering your presentation
Thank you