In the 1950s, Americans said “I L.I.K.E. I.K.E. Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
I. Interstate Highway system Ike originally announced this highway system as the “the National Defense Highway System” He wanted to establish a road system to move military equipment and personal efficiently 41,000 miles of road were to be built initially Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
L. Little Rock schools integrate The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision desegregated schools Little Rock resisted integration When riots broke out when nine black students attempted to enroll at a white school, Ike sent in the 101 st Airborne to protect them Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
I. Investigations by McCarthy Senator Joseph McCarthy began investigations in 1950 to root out “communist” influence in American society Most infamously, McCarthy investigated allegations of communist influence in the military McCarthy was even critical of President Eisenhower Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
K. Korean War ended Eisenhower ran his 1952 campaign with the promise to end the war in Korea An armistice ending the war was signed in July 1953 Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
E. Economic prosperity The Fifties were known for the growing American economy U.S. Gross Domestic Product almost doubled during the Eisenhower years ( ) Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
I. Ike beat Stevenson twice Democrats twice nominated Adlai Stevensonon to run against Dwight D. Eisenhower In 1952, Ike won 442 electoral votes to Stevenson’s 89 In 1956, Ike won 458 electoral votes to Stevenson’s 73 Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
K. “Kaputnik” embarrassment In 1957, the Soviets launched the first man-made satellite, known as “Sputnik” The first U.S. attempts were a disaster and were dubbed “Kaputnik” Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days
E. Eisenhower’s “Open Skies” proposal In 1955, Ike proposed “open skies” that allowed military flyovers between the United States and the USSR The idea was that this would reduce tensions of the Cold War The Soviet Union immediately rejected the idea Chapter 10: Eisenhower and Happy Days