Theme 1 Human Environment Interaction How humans modify (change) a particular place and how humans adapt to the environment around them. Human modification can be positive and negative.
Adaptation or Modification?
Make a t-chart Pros of human activityCons of human activity
Theme 2 Place The physical or human characteristics that make a place unique
Theme 3 Location Where is it? Absolute location Actual point or address. Latitude and longitude, a person address. Relative location Relative means where something is in relation to another place
Theme 4 Movement How people, goods, and ideas (passengers) move from place to place and change the culture and the environment. Make a 3 column chart with the following headings list the ways movement of each heading can take place. PeopleGoodsIdeas
Theme 5 Regions (3 TYPES) Formal regions share a common characteristic and have clear boundaries. Examples? Functional regions are defined by a function (purpose) DFW, river drainage basin, mail route, Interstate 10 Perceptual or vernacular regions are based on people’s attitudes and beliefs about the place Give some examples “Latin America”
Theme 5 Regions Make a list of similarities and differences of different parts of the school. Take 2 minutes and explain to your neighbor how you organized the school You have just divided the school into different regions
Map examples Functional RegionPerceptual Region Formal region-physical characteristics
Your turn… what type region is it?
Themes Quiz Part 1 We will view 10 pictures and you will write which theme the picture represents. Ready? Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#1 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#2 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#3 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#4 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#5 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#6 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#7 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#8 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI) Zip Code Map of selected Houston areas
#9 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
#10 Here’s a list of the themes Location Place Region Movement Human-environment interaction (you can abbreviate HEI)
Quiz Part 2 Read the statements and identify which theme the statement describes
Friday Oct. 10 th bell work In complete sentences, answer the following question. What are the similarities and differences in maps and globes.