بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الهيئة العربية للطاقة الذرية ورشة عمل حول ادارة النفايات المشعة والتخلص الامن منها Workshop on Management and Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste Eltahir Osman Sudanese Nuclear & Radiological Regulatory Authority Rawia Salah Sudan Atomic Energy Commission
Introduction Use of radioisotope in Sudan started 45 years ago Radioactive waste management program started 1995 Act and regulatory authority are in place Radioactive waste management regulations enacted since 1998 Waste management facility established in 2000 Strategy for Sudan nuclear power pograme (waste) was established and revised by IAEA
Regulatory body In 1996 the Sudan Atomic Energy Commission Act (SAEC) was issued, replacing the Atomic Energy Commission established by the Act of The 1996 act assigned the SAEC as a regulator and as a provider of nuclear technology and applications in Sudan. The SAEC board assigned in the 1996 act a national committee “Radiation Protection Technical Committee” (RPTC) to take control of the regulatory activities on behalf of the board. In February 2010 a decree of the Minster of the ministry of Science and Technology (MoSC) establishes an independent Regulatory Body under the name “Sudanese Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (SNRRA). 3/5/2016 3
4 The new nuclear act is now under preparation to ensure consistency with international safety standards. The draft was revised by the IAEA. This draft has been sent to the council of ministers for process. No person or entity shall operate a radioactive waste or spent fuel management facility without authorization issued by the regulator (new act) The prime responsibility for ensuring safety and security of radioactive waste (spend fuel) through life rests with the relevant holder of the authorization
facilities generate radioactive waste Medical: Radiation & Isotope Center-Khartoum, National Cancer Institute Gazira, … Industerial Research: Agricultural Research- Gazira, Khartoum University, …
RW Facilities SAEC RW Department
Waste management Facility Waste Facility consist of : Work area (lab) Cargo container (short- lived and/or waiting for conditioning) Storage lab Operating area container Storage 3x4meter
Laboratory Cemintation area Storage (1) Work bench Wash basin Extraction hood Door
RW Inventory Registered sources now about 637
RadionuclideNo of SourcesStatusComments Co Conditioned SHARS, By necsa/2009 Sealed, By necsa/2009 Sr Conditioned By necsa/2009 By saec/2003/2006 Am-Be 6262 Conditioned/ unconditioned By necsa/2009 Waiting for conditioning Ir Conditioned unconditioned By necsa/2009 Ra ConditionedBy iaea/2003 Cs Conditioned unconditioned By saec/2003/2006 Waiting for conditioning
RW Classification physical form: Solid Liquid Activity :high, intermediate, low Half life :long, medium, short
Classification of radioactive waste Waste CategoryDisposal option High level waste Low and Intermediate Level Very low level waste Exempted waste
HLW shall first be stored in pools of water adjacent to the power plant in order to be cooled off before being transferred to interim storage facilities, which is likely to be outside the country. Final disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste generated from the proposed NPPs in Sudan
Assistance required Expert missions to evaluate the required preparations for radioactive waste management for the first NPP. Training of staff on radioactive waste management generated from the first NPP. Scientific visits to similar types of NPPs