Preliminary Test 1
Technicalities all the students can apply date: 27 Oct Do not be late! (no entrance) applications (office door as of 21 Oct) deadline for application: 23 Oct (Friday) exam schedule: 26 Oct (after 2 p.m.) have an ID for the test
Topics (1) 1.Introduction: university essentials, economy/economics (R) 2.Three economic sectors (R, MK: Unit 1) 3.Presentations- vocab., signalling (R) 4.Types of Economies Public/Private Sector Privatisation (R & MK: Unit 22) 5.Types of Business Organisation in the Private Sector (R, extra sheet )
Topics (2) 7. Company Structure (R, MK: U3) 8. Entrepreneurship (R,MK: U30*) 9.Management (R, MK: U2) 10.Work and Motivation (R, MK:U4) 11. Efficiency and Employ.(MK:U20) 12. Labour Relations (R, MK:U7)
How to prepare? read all the texts (R,MK,extra sheets) read all the slides (web) do all the exercises
Preparing a text for the exam the text 2.underline unknown words/expressions 3.find their meaning (dictionary, note-book, slides, web,...) 4.make sure you understand all the text (sentence by sentence) 5.see which of the words/expressions in the text were important for this topic (slides, notebook) 6.explain their meaning in simple English 7.retell the main message of the text orally 8.Think what ex. could be expected in the test REVISE!
Types of exercises (1) 1.Fill in the missing words (blanks): e.g. business terms, prepositions, … 2.Find synonyms/opposites for the following words/expressions: 3.Write down the following acronyms/abbreviations in full: 4.Explain the meaning of the following sentence. Focus on the underlined words. 5.Explain the meaning of the following words/expressions:
Types of exercises (2) 6.Explain X.(Use the following words...) 7.Compare X and Y/Similarities and differences between X and Y /Advantages and disadvantages of X and Y. Use the following words: Describe the organisation chart of a company (business units and their responsibilities, verbs,...) 9.Write clearly structured notes based on a short text.
Assignment for next time (Part 1): 1.Establish a team (3-6 people) 2.Decide about the team leader 3.Names of other members? (Team leader) 4.Prepare for PT 1 5.While preparing, make exercises for each unit covered in class (follow the types of ex. shown in previous slides) 6.Send the ex. to the team leader 7.Submit the printout in class (team leader)
Typical mistakes learning dictionary definitions by heart not reading the texts carefully or not reading them at all thinking that preparation takes very little time (students with good English) thinking it is impossible to prepare properly (students with weaker English)