Prepared by: vasanth sunder MSE 608B
For most job application, you will be required to submit a cover letter, as well as resume. This is your probability to really impress potential employees. Various actions to be noted while preparing it are as follows: Shorter is better Be focused – be clear Highlight your expertise Don’t waffle
Solicited application letter is written in response to a specific job description – something posted or job openings announced by a firm. Using key bullets to reflect skills and experiences that matches those listed job description. That makes it easier to read. Unsolicited application letter is written to an firm that has not announced an opening, it is a trial to attain a singular attention. In this you need to reveal your academic status, position you are looking for, beyond that you need a job! Both solicited and unsolicited letters address your eligibility, experience and skills similarly. But in solicited letter, you need not get any attention as you are invited to apply. In unsolicited letter, you need to take reader’s attention and interest. Better use the AIDA approach
Gaining the advertiser’s attention is crucial. As your application is one among hundreds. It must make a positive approach Now that you’ve caught the reviewer’s attention, your next task is to secure their interest
The goal here is to stimulate the readers desire to read more about you Final step in AIDA is to encourage your targeted employer to invite in for an interview, is the action
A job interview is a type of employment test that involves a conversation between a job applicant and representative of the employing organization. Generally job interviews are under sequence operation. Screening stage : Suitability screening identifies applicants who posses the necessary skills, abilities, and qualifications to perform specific job. Conversely, the screening process is designed to disqualify ineligible applicants. Selection stage: The process of interviewing candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very simple process to very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position.
Face-to-face interview: The most traditional are face-to-face conversation. Here, goal is to establish rapport with interviewer and show them that your qualifications will benefit their organization. Though it is a indigent process companies use it o build uniformity Open-ended interview: This kind of interview are typically used when the same questions are asked of all interviewees. The applicants can answer the questions however they choose to respond. It is used to testing the professional judgment of the applicant
Case/situational interview: In this interview, applicants may be asked to demonstrate their problem solving skills. The interviewer will outline a case and ask you to formulate a plan that deals with the problem Group interview: A group interview is to see how applicants interact with others and how they use your knowledge and reasoning to influence others
Stress interview: It is a deliberate attempt by interviewer to see how applicants handle themselves under pressure. The interviewer may be sarcastic or argumentative. Do not take it personally. Calmly answer each question Telephone/virtual interview: Organizations will conduct telephone or virtual interview to narrow a field of candidates. It is important as you would a face-to-face connection. Clear a work surface to avoid distractions
In a interview employer try to grab intense information from the applicant to find whether he/she is capable of meeting the organization requirements or not. Interviewer look for the applicants sincerity, curiosity, eagerness to learn and self- confidence. Background of the applicant indicates his/her suitability to the post. Interviewer expect the candidates to be diverse from each other to gain attention. Candidates who aim for a more structured environment are the most needed by the employer.
Integrity test: This test assess job applicants’ likelihood to engage in counterproductive behaviors on the job. Employers tend to assume that past behaviors predict future ones. Intelligence test: It is also known as cognitive ability test which are part of most pre- employment assessments because intelligence is the best single predictor of job intelligence. Personality test: These tests are very popular. It is designed only to assess an applicants’ honesty, preferences, and habits and do not include any negative factors like psychological test. Medical test: To ensure a healthy and safe environment the company will organize this test. Drug test are allowed if all applicants are subject to them at the same stage of application process. Employers give the employment offers conditional upon the completion of medical exam.
Research: Acquiring information about the firm you want to work by viewing their website, requesting printed materials from the employer, using library or career center resources and by personal contacts in organization if any. Researching a company and the position makes you stand out in an interview. This shows the interest on job. Think about questions: Preparing for interviewer's questions is an apropos action to lead the interview a successful way. Train yourself to compete hypothetical questions from interviewer. Make relevant answers counting responsibilities and expectations of the organization. Also prepare a list of questions for interviewer to show you are truly interested in job. Maintain your confidence: Keep a track of your strengths, not on your weaknesses and focus on the organization flourish. By building confidence, you’ll make a flawless impression and the interview process even better. So be strong to stand away from others.
Practice for better performance: Prepare a succinct, clear answer to each of the questions in the interview. Building confidence is crucial to enhance the interview, which can be by timely practices. Facing mock interviews is better to whet your style. Dress for success: In an interview, first impression do matter. The best way to ensure a good impression is to dress smart. What you are wearing tells employers a lot about how serious you are about getting the job. Being conservative and professional is a option to go. Be organized: Carry a portfolio containing samples of your work, resumes, performance reviews, information learned about company, list of questions for employer, and any correspondence you have regarding the position. Arriving the interview ahead of time would be better to avoid issues.
The warm-up: This is the first and important section in an interview, though it may be of small time it gives the interviewer a first impression. The interviewer starts to evaluate the applicant before he/she even start. It is good to arrive early to show your punctuality. Applicant will also be expected to shake hands upon introduction. Don’t be afraid to extend your hands first as this shows assertiveness. Don’t under estimate power of physical appearance and non-verbal behavior. Dress professionally, sit and walk with good posture and don’t fidget. Finally, be sure to smile and relax!
The question-and-answer stage: At this stage in interview the focus turns toward the interviewer asking specific questions about your background, experiences, skills, goals, etc. Dealing with questions: It will be important for applicant to demonstrate how his/her experience and abilities match the position and the challenges it poses. It is critical that you state accomplishments from your past which support your candidacy. Don’t make yes or no answers. Employer may ask a hypothetical question only to know your response. Attune your explanations to underline your qualities.
Listening to the interviewer: Concentrate on interviewers talk or questions for felicitous response. Interviewer’s gestures, expressions and posture will give you the exact content of the conversation. Scrutiny the interviewers verbal and nonverbal information to gain advantage over this section. Don’t ever interrupt the interviewer in his part. Fielding discriminatory questions: This case is not seen generally as well-trained interviewers are aware of it. Even though you face a discriminatory kind of question, think how to respond actively without taking it personally and never surrender.
The close: Ending the interview is also important to win a job. When you see signs of concluding the interview by the interviewer, then its applicants turn to evaluate his/her performance. Applicant must correct any fallacy the interviewer might have. Concluding gracefully: Applicant must conclude the interview with courtesy and enthusiasm. Applicant can even know interviewer’s decision by soothing approach, if he don’t get any offer yet. Be sure to thank the interviewer for the opportunity and express an interest in the organization. Discussing salary: Applicant must not raise this until the interviewer discusses about it. Negotiating benefits may hike the employment package of the applicant. Research salary ranges of that job in prior to negotiate.
Thank-you messages: Write a brief thank-you letter acknowledging interviewer’s time and courtesy. Restate the job you are applying for and express your enthusiasm in getting it. Gently ask for the decision, this must be done two days after the interview. Messages of inquiry: If you don’t get any conformation till date they mentioned, write a brief message with direct approach for necessary details. This kind of messages are sent to the company, if you receive an offer letter but you are waiting for some other company’s response. Requests for a time extension: If you have any pending interviews to go then request an extension time to decide, but in a friendly note that you have interest in the company and you would make a quick decision.
Letter of acceptance: Send this message after you receive an offer letter. State clearly that you are happy with the salary package and ready for the job. Know that a letter of acceptance is treated as a acceptance for contract. Letter declining a job offer: Open this message with a warm and appreciative note, then state the reason why you are refusing the offer. End on a sincere, positive note. Letter of resignation: This comes into play when you are currently employed, and you found a better job opportunity, you shall write a resignation letter. By doing this you can maintain a friendly depart with the current employer.
Application letter plays an absolute role in choosing a applicant for an interview. Applicant undergoes three main phases in an interview as; screening, selection and final stage. Interview process are of various kinds, the applicant may be asked to perform any way at any time by the employee. Employers look for a candidate who fits the organization completely. His/her qualifications must flourish the firm. Job interview has three main components warm-up stage, question-and-answer stage, close-up stage on which the applicants must be confident about. Follow-up after the interview is also an intelligent step to make sure of applicants presence.