Curriculum and Instruction Council November 18, 2010
Welcome and Introductions
SED Updates
Accountability Statuses were released If they used the new points, only 28% of schools would have met AYP!
Accountability Options: Significantly increase student achievement Reset the AMOs Employ a growth model
APPR and 3012-c Four “types” of situations: Teachers of Grades 4-8 ELA and math (two points of information) Teachers who have one state assessment (they are looking to see if different exams in different subject can work) Teachers below grade 4 Teachers with no state assessment
Assessment 3-8 state assessments Longer in ELA and math In place for next two years Testing the “old” standards *
Assessment 3-8 state assessments Longer in ELA and math In place for next two years Testing the “old” standards *
CCSS Common Core State Standards January finalization implementation *
Assessment 3-8 state assessments Called interim assessments Aligned K-12 Probably on-line
Assessment Regents examinations Perhaps four more years Testing the “old” standards If they continue… *
Assessment PARCC “Through Course Summative Assessment” 25%, 75%, 90%, 100%
Graduation Increased requirements + math + science + college & career readiness
Graduation Increased requirements Higher Regents scores Middle school Flexibility & integration
Graduation Regional Forums Schedule December 8 th, Cortland December 9 th, Syracuse
Legislative Updates
CNY NYSASCD Tuesday November 30 th West Genesee High School Library 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. With NYSAWA
CNYRIC ITD Model Schools ITD TALKS MediaCONNECT E-Learning
3-8 Test Scoring
AIS & RtI RtI Refresher AIS Temporary Flexibility RtI/AIS K-12 optionsoptions
APPR and 3012-c Prepping for changes NS presentation Danielson Group Jan 13 th Task Force presentation in February
NEXT… LC21: Learning Commons in the 21 st Century District instructional leader plus lead LMS/teacher librarian PD scheduled throughout the year (paid for by member items) Vision of your LC for the future