What do you see happening in this picture?
Cameroon In both areas, men shake hands with each other. In the Francophone south, close friends may embrace while brushing cheeks and kissing the air along with a handshake. In the Anglophone north, close friends have a unique handshake in which, as they pull their hands back they snap the other person’s middle finger with their thumb. As a sign of respect men often lower their head and avert their eyes when greeting someone superior to them in age or position. Some Muslims will not shake hands across genders. Since this is a hierarchical society, elders are greeted first. Women tend not to look the other person in the eye even if it is another woman. Greetings should never be rushed. It is important to take time to inquire about the person’s family and other matters of general interest during the greeting process.
Canada The most common greeting is the handshake. It should be firm and accompanied by direct eye contact and a sincere smile. Wait until invited before using someone's first name although Canadians tend to move to a first-name basis rapidly. French Canadian friends may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks (once on the left cheek and once on the right). If using French in Quebec always use the formal pronoun "vous" (you) when speaking to someone and do not switch to the informal "tu" unless invited to do so
Les Gestes E0z8
Objectives du Jour I can compare and contrast greeting traditions in the target language and my own culture. I can use greet someone appropriately.
Bonjour Salut Coucou
Bon après-midi Bon soir
Quoi de neuf?
Pas beauvoup
Au Revoir Ciao ( Ciao )
À plus À demain Je dois partir.
comment t’appelles tu? Je m’appelle
Enchanté !
Qui est - ce?
( Comment ) ça va??
ça va mal
ça va bien
ça va super !
pas mal
Bon Mardi! Please take: a page protector that has the vocabulary images A dry erase marker (make sure it works, pitch it if it doesn’t) A small piece of toilet paper If you have your syllabus or supplies to turn in, please put it on my desk by the paperclip lady
Soyez Poli Merci! De rien ! S’il vous plait. Excusez-moi.
Exit Slip/Warm Up: Write a greeting for the following people: 1. Principal Graviss 2. Ms. Tougher3. Mrs. Sears 4. Your best friend5. A sibling
Objectif du Jour I can introduce myself to someone. I can ask someone his/her name.
Comment t ’ appelles tu? Je m ’ appelle.
GAME TIME Heads down! No peeking… Wait for Ms. Tougher to tell you to look at your card. Using today’s vocab, find your match. When you find your match, each of you go back to your seat.
WARM UP Use all of the phrases to complete the conversation below: Bonjour.ça va?Et toi?Salut! Au revoir!Pas mal. ça va bien. Ciao ciao! #1#4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #2#3
Quick Review