Mjp rPf;fpuj;jpy; ePq;fptpLk;,e;j Nyrhd cgj;jputk; Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj – eP Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj A Maj www.pastorasir.org mjp cs;shh;e;j <L fhz;fpd;w.


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Presentation transcript:

mjp rPf;fpuj;jpy; ePq;fptpLk;,e;j Nyrhd cgj;jputk; Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj – eP Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj A Maj mjp cs;shh;e;j <L fhz;fpd;w

cs;shh;e;j kdpjd; ehSf;F ehs; Gjpjhf;f gLfpd;w NeukpJ Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj – eP Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj fhz;fpd;w <L cs;shh;e;j mjp

<L,izapy;yh kfpik,jdhy; ekf;F te;jpLNk Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj – eP Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj fhz;fpd;w <L cs;shh;e;j mjp

fhz;fpd;w cyfk; Njltpy;iy fhzhjg; guNyhfk; ehLfpNwhk; Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj – eP Nrhh;e;J NghfhNj fhz;fpd;w <L cs;shh;e;j mjp