Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 1 Unit 6 – Chapter 12 TEACHING.


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 1 Unit 6 – Chapter 12 TEACHING STUDENTS WITH COMMUNICATION DISORDERS

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 2 Indicators of Communication Disorders  Language Disorder Inability to use the symbols of language through:  Proper use of works and meanings (semantics)  Appropriate grammatical patterns (syntax)  Proper use of speech sounds (phonology)  Speech Disorder Difficulty in:  Producing speech sounds (articulation)  Maintaining speech rhythm (fluency)  Controlling vocal production (voice)

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 3 Assessment  Standardized assessment by a Speech and Language Pathologist  Speech/Language Checklist  Components of Language Semantics: meaning Syntax: grammar Phonology: sounds Pragmatics: use

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 4 Encouraging Oral Communication  Listen  Do not criticize  Do not call attention to speech errors  Take care of classroom situations  Change nature of communication (sing, rap, whisper, read in unison)  Do not hurry speech

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 5 Encouraging Oral Communication (cont.)  Do not anticipate needs  Arrange for unusual or novel events to occur  Arrange for the child to convey information to others

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 6 Teaching Language Skills  Teaching Vocabulary and Meanings of Words Encourage students to ask questions Demonstrate Give definitions and explanations Provide multiple examples Include vocabulary instruction in all curricular areas Encourage dictionary usage Create opportunities to practice

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 7 Teaching Language Skills (cont.)  Make tasks brief, to the point, and simple for students with listening problems  Use closed-ended questions for students with difficulty expressing themselves.

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 8 Augumentative Communication  Communication Boards  Electronic Communication Devices

Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms 7th Edition Rena B. Lewis and Donald Doorlag Pearson Education, Inc. 9 Traditional and Modified Classroom Environments