March NSSLHA Meeting
Community Service Update Last BINGO: Wednesday March 25th! Craft, Lunch, & Learn:Tuesday March 24th PLEASE SIGN UP FOR HELPING WITH CHILDCARE NEXT FRIDAY FROM 11:30- 2:30! ●See me for more details!
Seven Hills Neighborhood House We will be doing a nonperishable food and hygiene product drive starting Monday March 9th-Friday April 3rd! ●Donation bins in the French East o 1st floor Clinic Office and by CSD mailboxes on the 3rd floor ●Please donate nonperishable foods, soaps, shampoos, lotion, razors, laundry detergent, etc. o Maximum of 4 NSSLHA points. ●NO RAMEN PLEASE
Fundraising Update ●Thanks to everybody who participated so far in the Pieology Fundraiser, there’s still time! Goes until 10 p.m. ●One basketball game left, thanks to everybody who has volunteered this season! ●Potbelly Fundraiser Cancelled ●Pizza sale March 26th from 11:45 am - 1:00 p.m. o Sign-Up Sign-Up ●Selling Relay For Life Key Chains in March, date TBD
Relay For Life ●Sign up to be a part of our Relay For Life team! ●Same day as banquet so not attending actual Relay event. ●If you raise $100 you’ll get a t-shirt and 9 hours of community service ●Halfway to our goal of $1,000 AND in 3rd place for the teams signed up so far for raising the most money! GREAT JOB!!! Sign-Up For Our Team Sign-Up For Our Team
Pub Crawl T-Shirts ●Orders due by Monday, March 9 to Lexi! ●Cost is $10 ●Pub Crawl is Saturday, April 11
Wine Bottle Donations! ●1 NSSLHA point for every bottle donated for our wine toss at the banquet! ●If you’re under 21 and want to donate, contact Lexi!
Banquet Silent Auction Any donations can go to Leah Baccus! Donation forms available on the CSD & NSSLHA Blackboard page
NSSLHA Exec. Applications ●Applications going out tonight ●Due on Monday, March 16th ●Interviews the week after spring break! ●Must be able to attend the Spring Banquet on Friday, April 10th! ●Since we already have four incoming seniors on the board we are looking to fill the remaining positions with underclassmen. There are still plenty of ways to get involved with NSSLHA that do not require a board position. If you are looking to have a board position for next year o MC2 o Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) o CAHS Tribunal o NSSLHA Mentor/Mentee program
Banquet -Reminder to register for the banquet by Wednesday, March 25th!!!! Late RSVP’s will not be accepted. -You are able to register online via the links Johannah has sent out or with cash or check (made out to NSSLHA). Return to Dr. Sotto or any NSSLHA Officer.
OSLHA Convention -Hilton in Columbus -March 19th - 21st -To register as a volunteer please go to -Do not sign up for more than a 3 hour time slot
MC2 Meeting When? Tuesday, March 10th at 5pm Where? French East Room 103 Who? Ms. Davida Swanson, lead Speech- Language Pathologist for Cincinnati Public Schools *Last call for $14 tshirt money Last meeting of the semester! Don’t miss it!
Top NSSLHA Members! 1.Megan Davis 2.Myriah Jackson 3.Seara Mayanja 4.Kirsty Rae 5.Brigette Shaw 6. Carrie Guay 7. Mary Parks 8. Corrine Deutenberg 9. Kylee Loebick 10. Katie Schmittou