2013 Real Estate Forecasts - SFR SFR1
Historic SFR Recession Recovery Through Building Permits SFR2
Louisville MSA Job Growth Sectors SFR3
Jefferson County SFR Home Sales Performance SFR4
Jefferson County New SFR Home Sales Performance SFR5
Oldham County New and Existing SFR Home Performance SFR6
Bullitt County SFR Home Activity SFR7
> $200,000 Lot Sales and Inventory SFR8
$100,000 to $200,000 Lot Sales and Inventory SFR9
$75,000 to $100,000 Sales and Inventory SFR10
$55,000 to $75,000 Sales and Inventory SFR11
$35,000 to $55,000 Sales and Inventory SFR12
$25,000 to $35,000 Sales and Inventory SFR13
Less Than $25,000 Sales and Inventory SFR14
Kentucky/ Louisville MSA SFR Building Permit History SFR15
Indiana/Louisville MSA Building Permit History SFR16
Jefferson County Patio Homes SFR17
Jefferson County Patio Homes SFR18
Oldham County Patio Homes SFR19
Bullitt County Patio Homes SFR20
Local and National Lending Institutions 23 lenders made 80% of the loans over $1M Dollars in 2012 but a Number have Troubled Loans SFR 21
Viewpoint Survey Results Sample = 100 respondents Will real estate capital from the top 3 traditional sources be more or less available in 2013 than it was in 2012? More AvailableLess AvailableSame Banks69523 Conduits77713 Insurance Companies55933 SFR22