2 V4 L1 products to include new calibrations of 532 nighttime (stratospheric aerosols, new GEOS 5.7 met data) and 532 daytime (signal slope correction, D/N calibration) and 1064 nm (D+N, reference scene selection) Data quality Improvement Example of results at 1064 nm for a one month test performed at LaRC
3 Elaboration of V4 L2 products under discussion Continuation of Validation effort (impact of calibration, new products) Aerosol characterization (regional and global) Cloud characterization using CALIOP/IIR Improvement of Cloud microphysical products in V4 Ongoing Case studies and statistical analyses for further characterization of processes at the regional and global scales (aerosol transport, dust, radiative impacts …) Data quality Improvement
4 Analysis of Cloud Properties Cloud properties in V3 : - Structure, OD and IWC (CALIOP) - , OD, IWP (IIR/CALIOP) New MODIS coll. 6 with cloud models leading to reduced ODs in better agreement with IIR Discussion on changes in Lidar ratio for CALIOP OD retrieval ( %) Josset et al., JGR, 2012
5 IIR and CALIOP cirrus OD Single-layered semi-transparent clouds, altitude > 7km, randomly oriented ice (CALIOP flag), 5-km resolution, ocean, all latitudes, day, January CALIOP data : Lidar ratio=31.5 and Multiple scattering factor=0.6 Expected: IIR « absorption » OD eff ~ 0.5 x CALIOP total visible OD CALIOP OD/IIR OD eff = 2.0 +/- 10% in agreement with expectations and sensitivity studies. Sensitivity of IIR retrievals: good agreement with CALIOP down to ODs smaller than 0.05 Garnier et al, ILRC, 2012 Expected
6 Analysis of Cloud Properties Cloud properties in V3 : - Structure, OD and IWC (CALIOP) - , OD, IWP (IIR/CALIOP) New results on Cloud Microphysics from Combined CALIPSO INSTRUMENTS (IIR + CALIOP) + RTM taking advantage of IR-lidar complementarities for Day & Night analyses) Release of L2b cloud particle size & IWP products, Results presented in JAMC Part II (Garnier et al., submitted 2012)
7 IIR IWP for High dense clouds January 2009 D+N First L3 IIR test products obtained at ICARE to be part of CALIPSO L3 cloud product
8 IWC values directly derived from Deff and AODs using CALIOP Single-layered semi-transparent cloud, altitude > 7km, T° < 233K, data over ocean, all latitudes, Day+Night White solide line: from CIRCLE 2 campaign in Europe (Mioche et al, JGR, 2010) Green triangles from ARM & TOGA-COARE (McFarquhar et al., 2003) January 2011 IWC = f(extinction) from IIR in good agreement with in situ IWC/ext (Heymsfield et al, GRL, 2005) used in Version 3 CALIOP shows larger values IWC Analysis from IIR Garnier et al., JAMC, subm. 2012
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