Test Tomorrow BRING COMPLETED REVIEW Chapter 21, 22, & 23 Test Review Tobacco, Alcohol, Medicines & Drugs Test Tomorrow BRING COMPLETED REVIEW
Question 1 Nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in blood vessels, increasing the chance of…
ANSWER Arteriosclerosis
A social consequence of smoking is… Question 2 A social consequence of smoking is…
ANSWER Bad Breath Yellowed Teeth Stained Fingers People find secondhand smoke and the smell of tobacco offensive *** Being excluded by nonsmokers *** Bad Breath Yellowed Teeth Stained Fingers
People who use smokeless tobacco… Question 3 People who use smokeless tobacco…
Can become addicted to nicotine ANSWER Can become addicted to nicotine
When quitting smoking, stress-management techniques can… Question 4 When quitting smoking, stress-management techniques can…
the withdrawal process. ANSWER Help ease people through the withdrawal process.
Nicotine causes addiction and… Question 5 Nicotine causes addiction and…
ANSWER Acts as a stimulant.
Drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting is called… Question 6 Drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting is called…
ANSWER Binge Drinking
The long-term effects of alcohol use can include: Question 7 The long-term effects of alcohol use can include:
Damage to Lining of the Pancreas ANSWER Addiction Loss of Brain Functions Brain Damage Heart Damage Enlarged Heart ***High Blood Pressure*** Fatty Liver Alcoholic Hepatitis Cirrhosis Irritation of Digestive System Damage to Lining of the Pancreas
Question 8 A condition in which liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue is called…
ANSWER Cirrhosis
Which is NOT a long term effect of alcohol use? Question 9 Which is NOT a long term effect of alcohol use? - Liver Disease - Alcoholism - Nausea - High Blood Pressure
When a person is dependent on alcohol, he or she: Question 10 When a person is dependent on alcohol, he or she:
ANSWER Is an alcoholic
Question 11 Which illegal drug can cause sleeplessness, loss of appetite, & broken blood vessels in the nose?
ANSWER Cocaine
Question 12 Marijuana is considered a dangerous drug because it can lead to use of other harder drugs. This is called…
ANSWER Gateway Drug
Question 13 Narcotics (prescription drugs, etc.) and inhalants are popular among young teen drug users because:
They keep you under the influence longer ANSWER They keep you under the influence longer
TRUE / FALSE True True True True 14. Children of smokers are more likely to suffer from asthma than children of nonsmokers. 15. Environmental tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide and nicotine. 16. Once addicted, people need more and more tobacco to satisfy the craving for nicotine. 17. Environmental tobacco smoke contains over 40 known carcinogens. True True True True
TRUE / FALSE 18. The stomach is responsible for breaking down alcohol. 19. The sale & use of cocaine is illegal in all parts of the country. 20. Amphetamines are found in things such as cough medicines, allergy medicines, etc. False True True
Matching 22. Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke A. Leukoplakia B. Stimulant C. Environmental Tobacco Smoke D. Nicotine Substitute E. Nicotine Matching A drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs 22. Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke 23. Thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer 24. The addictive drug in tobacco 25. A product that delivers small amounts of nicotine to a person who is trying to give up tobacco B. Stimulant C. Environmental Tobacco Smoke A. Leukoplakia E. Nicotine D. Nicotine Substitute
Matching 26. A cancer-causing substance A. Nicotine Withdrawal B. Carcinogen C. Sidestream Smoke D. Addictive Drug E. Tar Matching 26. A cancer-causing substance 27. A substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence 28. The process that occurs in the body when nicotine is no longer used 29. A thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns 30. Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar B. Carcinogen D. Addictive Drug A. Nicotine Withdrawal E. Tar C. Sidestream Smoke