BIS Office hours/review sessions for Midterm I No calculators or cell phones during test, use pen if you want the possibility to request a regrade Midterm I - Tuesday, October 21 Office hours/review sessions: R Oct pm 145ABriggs Rima F Oct pm 3061SLB Engebrecht Su Oct pm 2205Haring Engebrecht M Oct pm 3061SLB Rebecca
Review Quiz Scores:291 Missing:2 High:100.00% Low:0.00% Median:95.00% Mean:92.43% Standard Deviation:9.95
Critical Genetic Link Found Between Human Taste Differences And Nicotine Dependence Two interacting genes related to bitter taste sensitivity, TAS2R16 and TAS2R38 Tiny Worm Provides Model For The Genetics Of Nicotine Dependence
A cross is made in E. coli between an Hfr strain that is leu+ his+ gly+ Str s and an F- strain that is leu- his- gly- Str R. Interrupted mating studies show that his+ enters the recipient last. In an interrupted mating between the same two strains, what medium would you select the conjugates on before screening for recombinants? A.Medium containing his and lacking streptomycin B.Medium containing his and containing streptomycin C.Medium lacking his and containing streptomycin D.Medium lacking his and lacking streptomycin CQ1
A. gly leu his B. leu gly his C. gly his leu What is the gene order? You select on medium lacking his and containing streptomycin and then test by replica plating for the presence of the leu+ and gly+ alleles. The following numbers of individuals are found for each genotype: gly+ leu+ his+=259 gly- leu+ his+= 1 gly+ leu- his+= 11 gly- leu- his+= CQ2
A.leu 4mu gly 10mu his B. leu 10mugly 4mu his C. leu 10mugly 10mu his What are the map distances between these three genes? leu gly his You select on medium lacking his and containing streptomycin and then test by replica plating for the presence of the leu+ and gly+ alleles. The following numbers of individuals are found for each genotype: gly+ leu+ his+=259 gly- leu+ his+= 1 gly+ leu- his+= 11 gly- leu- his+= CQ3
T4 bacteriophage
In a generalized transduction experiment, the T1 phage particles growing on E. coli with the genotype val+ ala+ trp+ are collected and allowed to infect E. coli cells with the genotype val- ala- trp-. The cotransduction frequencies are calculated for the different gene combinations:ala-trp = 0.2 ala-val = 0.8 val-trp = 0.6 The gene order is: A. ala - trp - val B. ala - val - trp C. val - ala - trp CQ4