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KGCOE & NTID & ACS Joint Opportunity Student Opportunities MSD 1 & 2 Project delivery of Initial Smoking System May 08 (7) students Multidisciplinary team Concept, design and delivery in 22 weeks Initial Research Work June- Aug 08 (2) students FTC / ISO protocol trial conducted Development of procedures / techniques System Enhancement (3) students March, June 09 FTC / ISO protocol work at published standards Successful satisfaction of AIMs of ACS research grant TPM, PAHs, deposition, concentrations MSD 1 & 2 Project Delivery of Human Mimic Smoking System (6-8) students System to mimi human behavior with high fidelity Continued growth of Bio-Engineering application
KGCOE & NTID & ACS Joint Opportunity AIMS of ACS GRANT AIM #1: Smoking Machine System Based with NTID Analysis Measure the particle size distribution and relative concentrations of 4 Carcinogens: in mainstream smoke generated from two of the new safer cigarettte brands (Omni and Eclipse) and one of the research cigarettes AIM #2 Smoking Machine System Based with NTID Analysis Perform hollow model deposition measurements for an adult and adolescent (12-15 years old) Aim #3 CFD modeling of focal deposition in both adult and adolescent lung models AIM #4 CFD modeling of PAH deposition for year olds AIM #5 Overall, summary of all work Evaluate the mfg’ claim of safer cigarettes as it pertains to both adult and adolescent smokers based on the dosimetry results for models & experiments.
KGCOE & NTID & ACS Joint Opportunity Frontiers in Smoking Research Recognition that 40 year old FTC / ISO protocol is not satisfactory 2 sec puff every 60 seconds, 35 ml of puff volume Does not accurately quantify the amounts of particulate matter Cigarette design changes to yield lower values per standard test protocol than experienced with real smoking Behavior changes to compensate for reduced nicotine Machine Smoking profiles that more accurately reflect human behavior Standard protocols with high puff volumes and more frequent puffing Canada and Mass have more aggressive ( than FTC) profiles / freq Machine smoking profiles that can duplicate what any given human is smoking on a puff by puff basis. Critical analysis of carcinogen levels generated by these human profiles Critical analysis of deposition of these carcinogens in human lung casts
KGCOE & NTID & ACS Joint Opportunity Lung Volume