The Bears By: Jocelyn Escobedo and Ariana Padilla
How to Survive the Dangerous Wilderness WWWWe are going to talk about the wilderness
Tools to Survive the Wilderness SSSSome of the tools that you can use is a hatchet. Y Y Y You can use a flashlight to see in the dark. YYYYou can also use a compass to find your way out when you are lost.
More Tools You Can Use OOOOther tools you can use are waterproof matches to start a fire even with a little water. YYYYou can also use a knife to cut fish and keep yourself safe.
Skills To Survive The Wilderness Some skills you can use are to be focused, and to be stelth. Another skill is to stay calm and use self control. The most important thing is to have faith.
Building Shelters The way you can use a shelter is to look for a cave, bones, and rocks. You can also make sure you fit and fix a little pillow.
Food Some food that you can find in the wilderness is berries and turtle eggs. Remember those techniques in case you get lost some day.