Signal Tower Location Map By Ran Shi
Introduction Build a map visualization for communication provider. Help them to build a new tower or adjust their signal cell.
Task: Learn how to Show the information on map. GIS Tool Known where to get the data and In what way to show them on map Population Traffic Signal coverage
Population Population data And census geographic boundary Link 2 Data and Product the density base on the population and Area
Population To Density heat map
Traffic Point-based back and forward Traffic volume Data
Traffic Link the point And product total Traffic volume Visualize it in to a Graduated
Signal Coverage Form Signal Tower location And Digital elevation model
Signal Coverage Line of sight
Signal Coverage Produce the coverage map base on observer location Radius is 25km which is average Radius for 3g signal tower
Future work Try to visualize potential user in signal coverage. Produce a web app that can add new tower base on ArcGIS API
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