glum Sentence: Don’t be so glum about your bad grade. You’ll do better next time. –Synonyms: unhappy, depressed –Antonyms:happy, enthusiastic (adj.) dejected, sad Picture:
JOURNAL: Vocab. Prompt 1 –Write about a time you were GLUM. Use GLUM in your story, and circle it.
impartial Sentence: I hope we have impartial judges this time. Last year, they chose favorites! –Syn.: neutral, equal –Ant.: unfair, unequal, partial (adj.)neutral, fair Picture:
JOURNAL: Vocab. Prompt 2 –Why is it important to be impartial? »Or –Describe a time you had an experience with someone who was NOT impartial
JOURNAL: Vocab. Prompt 3 Fanciful (adj.) – imaginary –Syn.-fictional, fairy tale, fantasy –Ant. – nonfiction, real
Fanciful Sentence: A unicorn is a fanciful creature. –Syn.-fictional, fairy tale, fantasy –Ant. – nonfiction, real (adj.) – imaginary Picture:
JOURNAL: Vocab. Prompt 3 Prompt: Create your own “fanciful” creature.
Ancestors Sentence: My ancestors originally came from Ireland. –Syn.- grandparents (noun) – people in your family from whom you are descended Picture:
Lesson 4 Prompt: Tell about your ancestors.
Life Span An ant has a short life span. –Syn.- life expectancy –Ant. - death (noun) – length of your life Picture:
Lesson 5 Prompt: Describe at least three things you would like to accomplish during your life span.
Wound Sentence: Syn. – boo boo, cuts, bruises (noun) – injury (verb) – wrap around Picture:
Lesson 6 Prompt: Describe a wound you have had and what caused it.
Jabberwocky Sentence: This jabberwocky story made no sense at all. How silly! Syn. – nonsense, jibberish (noun) – writing that makes no sense Picture:
Lesson 7 Write a jabberwocky beginning with “Once upon a time, I saw…….”
Lesson 8 Syn. –grounded, whipped, lecture Ant.— praised, reward
Syn. Whipped, grounded, lectured Ant. – praise, complimented, rewarded Castigate When I got home late, my parents castigated me. (v): scold or punish someone Picture:
Lesson 8 Prompt: Describe the last time you were castigated. What did you do? Did you deserve it?
My Dream Girl/Guy Write a 5-paragraph essay listing 3 qualities you want in a future spouse. (see Word file for essay.)
Syn. - appreciation, gratefulness Ant. – disrespect, insult, selfish, rude gratitude I expressed my gratitude for the new car. (n): showing thankfulness Picture:
Lesson 11 Prompt: Write a letter to your parents, expressing your gratitude.
Lesson 9 sitcom (n): a humorous television program Syn. – tv show Mash was my husband’s favorite sitcom. Hawkeye Pierce was his favorite character on the show.
Lesson 9 Prompt: Identify your favorite sitcom and discuss the main characters
Lesson 10 meteorologist (n): one who studies and forecasts weather Syn. – weather man James Span is my favorite meteorologist.
Lesson 10 meteorologist (n): one who studies and forecasts weather Syn. – weather man James Span is my favorite meteorologist.
Lesson 10 Prompt: Pretend that you are a meteorologist and predict tomorrow’s weather. Include temperature, wind factors, cloud conditions, etc.
Lesson 12 Euphonious(adj): a sound that is pleasing to the ear. Syn. Pleasing music, peaceful sound Ant. Screechy voice, screaming I find classical music euphonious.
Lesson 12 Prompt: Describe the type of music that you find the most euphonious. Examples-favorite song or band, type of music, beat of music, etc.