Lesson Objectives Recognise why corporate images are important To insert text and graphics into set layout To plan a suitable A4 layout for Year 6 pupils Learning Outcomes Identify why corporate images are important To be able to insert graphics and texts into a prepared design Design a subject leaflet suitable for Year 6 pupils
Starter (5 Mins) Identify the following, in pairs: 3 similarities between each publication 3 differences between each publication How do they know it is from the same company?
Task 1 - Layout for Newsletter (10 Mins) A newsletter will be created for the organization. Your task is to create the layout for the newsletter
Layout for Newsletter Things that won’t change: –the layout; –the logo; –the position of images and text; –the fonts; and that the things that will change are: –the date; –the image; –clip art; –advertising text; –possibly colour.
Example TITLE Logo Story Image Picture
How to Create a New Publication (Demonstration) create a new publication; create input boxes for different components, for example text, graphics; move and resize objects; import a graphic and text; layer objects, including transparent backgrounds; rotate text and images.
Task 2 – Create a Design Use the software techniques you have just seen to create a cover for –the August issue of ‘What’s On in Amstead’. –Insert the logo 7.3P1 Amstead logo.gif –import the image 7.3P1f Amstead photo.jpg –insert the text from 7.3P1e so that it matches the imported image, with titles and date.
Plenary Show school newsletter –How can you tell this is from Challenge College? –What can you say about the font used? –What can you say about the layout? Is it similar to yours?
Homework Design the layout for your subject leaflet, drawing it up on an A4 sheet of paper. Things you could include are: –the name of the school; –the school logo; –the name of the subject; –the text describing the subject; –photographs of the school.