Starter #1 Write down the 7 steps of the writing process.
Starter #2 Explain in your own words why it is important to proof read your writing before passing it in.
Starter #3 What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym? Use dictionary or look on wall for help if needed.
Starter #4 Please look outside and write a paragraph about what you see – be as descriptive as possible. Please stay at your desks, if you can’t see out – think about what it was like when you walked into the school off of the bus.
Starter #5 If you could change one thing about your study habits, what would you change and why?
Starter #6 Pretend that you are on a lost ship at sea, write a letter to put in a bottle in your attempt to find help.
Starter #7 What is the difference between our, hour, and are? Write each one out in a proper sentence.
Starter #8 My favorite television show is Law & Order, what is yours? Why, describe it in great detail.
Starter #9 List 5 different parts of speech. (Look around the room)
Starter #10 Writing Response – finish the following line with a complete paragraph… –Yesterday was the best day of my life…
Starter #11 Write a full sentence for each of the following words: Chamber Plant Pencil Paper
Starter #12 Write a paragraph about explaining how a turtle feels… (be creative)
Starter #13 Write an (in your starter section) to your friend in Austria – tell him / her about your school. –When you finish, please get a sheet of loose leaf out & number down the margin, 1 – 20. Put Spelling Quiz #2 at the top, with your name and date. Wait patiently & quietly until we begin.
Starter #14 Finish the following with a full paragraph Chocolate is yummy…
Starter #15 Finish the following with a full paragraph – –The hungry dog finally found…
Starter #16 Correct the following sentence –My sistr didt like to go outside but he did like to play outsde after school
Starter #17 Write a full paragraph beginning with the following – The sun set over the building…
Starter #18 Write one paragraph about your favorite memory.
Starter #19 Write 1 paragraph about why friendship is important to you.
Starter #20 Correct the following sentence: My favorite spot is basketball because we ply in the jim and it isnt a rough spot There are 6 errors!
Starter #21 Write the definition of epitome.
Starter #22 Write 1 paragraph about your favorite sport. If you hate sports, discuss why.
Starter #23 Writing Response (in your starter section) –How was your Thanksgiving? Discuss in 1 paragraph minimum.
Starter #24 Writing Response (in starter section) –The dog fell to the ground…
Starter #25 Correct the following sentence (copy the sentence with corrections down in your starter section). –there was a teible storm and the wind crshed against the houes and cars it even damaged a boat –There are 6 errors!
Starter #26 What is the definition of obviously? Copy the definition down and write it correctly in a sentence.
Starter #27 In a full paragraph, finish the following… –Mary hated it when…
Starter #28 Write an acrostic poem for the following: F A L
Starter #29 Correct the following sentence and copy the correct sentence in your starter section. –mani people like 2 bik to school because it is fun but it also is healthy »There are 5 errors!
Starter #30 In one paragraph, finish the following: –She was as beautiful as…
Starter #31 In one paragraph, finish the following: –Handsome didn’t describe him…
Starter #32 Correct the following sentence and copy the correct sentence in your starter section. –she didnt lice to eat meet but he did lice to eat vegetables »There are 8 errors!
Starter #33 Correct the following sentence and copy the correct sentence in your starter section: –melanie playd in a band with there girls: linda jasmine and clair »There are 9 errors!
Starter #34 Finish the following with one full paragraph: –Manni had so many friends…
Starter #35 What are the convention CUPS? (hint: Look somewhere in the room)
Starter #36 What are 3 transition words?
Starter #37 What is the definition of ‘voice’? Copy it down.
Starter #38 Find an object in the room to write a description of, you must use words to describe what it looks like, so that I can figure out what it is --- do not tell me.
Starter #39 Write the definition of throw down in your starter section. Use throw in a proper sentence.
Starter #40 Pick two of your hardest spelling words (from this week) and write the definitions down out of the dictionary.
Starter #41 Write down 5 words that are begin with the letter Q. Make sure you spell them correctly!
Starter #42 Write down the Flow Chart for Non- Narrative Writing.
Starter #43 Finish the following, with a full paragraph… –Title: “My Mona” –First sentence: She was sweet…
Starter #44 Please write a short paragraph about your favorite time of year.
Starter #45 Using your spellex, write down the first 5 words that start with S. (Spelled correctly of course)
Starter #46 Write an acrostic poem about WINTER. W I N T E R
Starter #47 Using your spellex, write down the first 5 words that start with R. (Spelled correctly, of course).
Starter #48 Write down 1 rule for capitalization.
Starter #49 What are some commonly misused words? Write at least 5.
Starter #50 In the novel you are currently reading, write down 5 things that you know about the main character.
Starter #51 Correct the following sentence: my friend emily and laura our really fun two go two the mall with –There are 8 errors!
Starter #52 Write a full paragraph about the following: –“Snow is falling…”
Starter #53 Using a dictionary, write the definition of ‘character.’
Starter #54 Write at least 1 paragraph about your favorite holiday memory.
Starter #55 Thinking back to when you were about 5, what was your favorite toy? Explain what it was and why.
Starter #56 Correct the following sentence: sometimes i like two go too the store with emily to shoop for clothes and shooes –There are 8 errors!
Starter #57 In at least 1 paragraph finish the following (not with the song, with a story): Jingle bells…
Starter #58 What is the 5 th step of the writing process? Write the explanation and the title.
Starter #59 When you think of the holidays what are the 5 symbols that you can think of that relate? 1 Christmas tree
Starter #60 Write down the five things that you really want to do in the next year…
Starter #61 Write an acrostic poem for HOLIDAY. H O L I D A Y
Starter #62 Carmel, apples, and cinnamon… yum…. –Finish with a full paragraph!
Starter #63 Make an acrostic poem for NEW YEAR! N E W Y E A R
Starter #64 Sometimes in the New Year people make promises that they are going to do certain things… these are called resolutions. What is your resolution for the New Year?
Starter #65 Correct the following sentence. –mary licked to go two the parc with jean on beautiful sumer dais »There are 8 errors!
Starter #66 Write an acrostic poem for RESOLUTIONS R E S O L U T I O N S
Starter #67 The weather outside is frightful… –Finish with a full paragraph.
Starter #68 I love to go skiing in the winter, what are some of your favorite winter activities?
Starter #69 What does TAG stand for?
Starter #70 Who are the main characters in the novel you are currently reading? Write their names and one thing about each of them.
Starter #71 Write 5 examples of a noun.
Starter #72 What is a verb? Write 5 examples.
Starter #73 Books are so much fun… –Finish with a paragraph!