English II—November 18, 2015 Daily warm-up: Review the Introduction to Greek Drama in Activity 4.7. List the various purposes of the choral odes. Homework: – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59.
1.Set the mood 2.Summarize action 3.Preview action 4.Represent a point of view 5.Side with various characters 6.Warns of disaster 7.Introduces or elaborates thematic ideas Chorus - Purposes
Odes to Love and Death Purposes of Choral Odes OdeSummary of ContentConnections to the Previous SceneFunctional Purpose of the Ode 1 Polyneices and his army tried to defeat Thebes at its seven gates; Etocles and Thebans defended it along with Zeus’ power, with brother killing brother. The ode provides a description of troubles that preceded the play’s beginning and adds explanation of Antigone’s and Ismene’s descriptions of war. The scene serves as a bridge between Scene 1, in which Antigone and Ismene are introduced and leads to the entrance of Creon. 2 Man is a marvelous wonder. However, when he becomes too arrogant, I want no part of him. Chorus comments on Creon’s power and identifies pride in mankind. Introduces fear that man can over-step his bounds when he begins to think he rules the world. Foreshadowing?? 3 Oedipus’ family is doomed by their fate. No one lives without sorrow. Guard brings Antigone to Creon. Antigone admits the burial. Creon sentences her to death. The ode mourns troubles for the family, setting a mood of sorrow. It also recognizes the power of the Gods
Odes to Love and Death What attitudes about love and death are conveyed in this scene? How are these ideas similar or different from your culture’s attitudes towards love and death? How do the different character interactions help develop themes related to love and death?