Brief Information and Strategies for Instructors
Stage1Focuses on comprehending the communicative message Try to associate new words with the vocabulary in their first language Pay attention to nonverbal communication (facial expression and gestures) Stage 2Communication characterized by one and two phrases and many grammatical errors Common nouns, verbs, and adjectives emerge first Focuses on conveying meaning Stage 3Use short phrases and simple sentences to communicate Use dialogue and ask simple questions May produce longer sentences but often with grammatical errors that may interfere with the communication Stage 4Beginning to make complex statements State opinions Ask for clarification Share thought and speak at greater length
Goal of Ministry of Education’s policy for ELLs ◦ To provide school boards with direction and support in meeting the needs of ELLs so they develop the proficiency in English that is necessary for success in school ◦ Intended to promote good outcomes for ELLs Students need to learn the language of instruction in English language schools at the same time as they are working towards meeting the curriculum expectation ◦ Language-acquisition policy Designed to help all English language learners in the province by engaging them in learning that enables them to develop their talents, meet their goals, and acquire the knowledge and skills they will need to achieve personal success and to participate in and contribute to Ontario society
Content-specific graphic organizer ◦ Concept maps ◦ T-charts ◦ Venn Diagram ◦ Flow charts ◦ Story Maps ◦ Timelines ◦ Decision Trees Graphic representations of relationships among key ideas in a particular text, lesson, or unit of work
Grade 2 Math Geometry and Spatial Sense Distinguish between shapes based on geometric properties and students may further distinguish by different attribute of their choice Level 1
Guide students through texts, demonstrating effect ive reading strategies and focusing on specific asp ects of the text Organization, visual material, and vocabulary Helps students develop strategies that they can us e independently to read challenging texts Before-During-After