By Destini Howard
Location The Temple of Saturn stands at the foot of the Capitole Hill in the western end of the Forum Romanum in Rome, Italy. It is known for being the oldest sacred place in Rome, after the Vesta and Jupiter. By the monument gradually collapsing: the front portico, eight columns and the still, but partially intact pediments remain. Present ruins represent 3 rd incarnation, the 2 nd destroyed by the fire of Carinus in 283A.D.
Importance In 498BC the temple was dedicated to the god of Saturn. The Temple of Saturn was a monument of agricultural deity or Roman Mythology, from their literature, pictures, religion, and legendary origins. The temple’s chief used the temple for storing the Republic gold and silver State archives, the insignia and official scale for weighing metals, were housed in the temple.
Importance Being know for the original source of Rome’s wealth, the temple was the repository for the State Treasury, Aerarium Populi Roman. The temple contained bronze tablets on which Roman law was inscribed.