Careers Service in England A brief history
Local Education Authorities required to provide careers guidance to all young people Careers services put out to tender - - LEA & private providers Careers Services to work in partnership with schools/colleges/LEAs - YP Entitlement to careers guidance
1999 ‘Bridging the Gap’ Report published Introduced the term ‘NEET’ In England all services for socially excluded young people put under Connexions Careers Services subsumed within Connexions, shift away from universal service to a targeted approach CEIAG transferred to LAs to develop within Integrated Youth Support Service Broad IAG provision includes lifestyle etc.
New National Careers Service All-age careers service in England by 2012 Current on-line and telephone help-line service to adults will extend to young people Network of providers of face to face careers guidance to priority groups Paid for service for other users Legal duty on schools to ensure students access independent, impartial careers guidance - but free to choose how to offer this 2010 UK Careers Profession Alliance established Common quality standard across profession
2011 to 2012 – a gap! What does the future hold from ???? Jane and William Tällinn, April 2011