Globalisation context Massive inequality within and between countries Deficit of decent work / no choice Demographic trend – need for labourforce Greed / skills for lower price Climate change
Balanced development is needed Multilateral framework that puts people first Combating poverty, building DW – in the centre Work / life balance VET Life long learning Skills recognition
Positive side In host countries: taxes and spending, work done Remittances (150b), but … Returnees Multiculturism
International arena International (WTO GATs Mode 4): labour as commodity, narrow focus on temporary and circular migration to fill gaps IOM, GFMD Bilateral agreements (HRs, skills, transfer) European court of justice
Why unions? All the workers Size “marked feature of global economy” Risks and vulnerabilities
What? Advocacy Help and assistance Resource and analysis Organising and representation
ITUC work Workshop in 2006 SAPs International platforms: 2004 – ILO 2005 – global commission on international migration and development 2006 – HL Dialog of the UN GA on IMD 2007 – GFMD, statement 2008 – GU Forum on MD, before GFMD
Human rights are precondition to any fair model of globalisation Labour is not a commodity Normative frame: Ratification and implementation: accountability of governments: ILO Multilateral Framework No racism and xenophobia: awareness, training etc. Equal rights, coverage and treatment: FoA. Also undocumented: exploitation of some workers threatens all the workers. Control over private agencies (Co.181) + ethic code Development agenda: DW, ODA (0.7), quality public services, legal mechanisms. Migration has to be a free choice International agreements and partnerships: strengthen cooperation, involvement of social partners and CSOs…), legal channels
Policy making All the relevant structures to be involved Consultations and decision making with social partners, institutionalisation Agreements have to have social dimension
Union examples Native speaking organisers / officers (CSC, TUC, LO- N…) Structures to follow migrants (CISL, EAKL…) Certification (CISL) Vouchers / collective use of union services (FNV, Belgians…) Participation in quotas setting (FNPR) Affiliation and cooperation of “migrant unions” (KCTU, HKCTU, EMU - IGBau…) Agreements of co-support (LBAS, Lo-S, LPSK etc.) Materials in native languages (CGT, TUC, ZSSS etc.)
Union examples UNISON/TEHY membership transfer Overseas Nurses Networks Joint membership (3F…) UNI Passport and IUF reciprocity agreement BWI world cup
Conclusions: ITUC Congress action programme Ratification and implementation Tripartite consultations Respect of rights, transferability ILS in agreements Joint union actions Cross-border work Awareness and education Campaigning and advocacy ILO Multilateral Framework – implementation Alliances with CSOs