1 遛狗时,你太粗心,狗松开后被车撞了 2 你的朋友,她 / 他没有好好学习,要求你帮她 / 他在考试 中作弊。 3 你的朋友很沮丧的来到学校 4 她上次借你的相机时,弄坏了,你不得不花钱去修理它。 5 告诉他他本来该好好学习的。 …last time, he/she broke it and …get it repaired While …you were careless and it got loose Your friend, who…, asks …cheat in the exam Your friend … very upset …tell him/her that he/she should have studied
I SB Exercises 1. Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text. 1)_______ 2)_______ 3)_______________ 4)_______ 5)_______ not inside a building feeling disturbed to be worried about free, not tied up to experience something outdoors upset be concerned about loose go through
SB Exercises 6) _______ 7) _______ 8) _______ 9) _______ 10) _______ to take no notice of staying close to and looking at somebody to become quiet after nervous activity piece of material hung to cover a window number of things that happen one after another ignore face to face calm down curtain series
Anne’s sister, Margot was very ________ that the family had to move. However, she knew that she had got to __________ all the difficulties with her family. She found it difficult go settle and __________in the hiding place, because she was _________________ whether they would be discovered. She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there. upset go through concerned about calm down 2. Complete this passage with some of the words and phrases above. SB Exercises
What she really missed was going ________ and walking the dog for her neighbour. It was such fun to watch it run ____ in the park. She wished she could tell her neighbour __________ that she was sorry not to be able to do it any longer, but she knew that was too dangerous! loose outdoors face to face SB Exercises
1 be good to 2 add up your score 3 how many points 4 not.. until 5 finish cleaning his bike 6 plan to go another time 7 without saying anything 8 if the camera is broken 9 the bell rings 10 calm sb down 11 have got to 12 after class 13 go on holiday 14 pay(… )for sth 15 take the end-of-term exam 16 cheat in the exam 17 work out your score
1 Your friend can’t go until he/she finish clean his/her bicycle. 2 You plan going other time 3 he/she broke it and you have to paying to get it repair 4let your friend to borrow it without say anything 5… tell your friend that you concerned about him/her 6… take dog to the vet and pay for the bill by yourself. 7 Your friend, he doesn’t work hardly, ask you to help him/her cheating in the exam by look into your paper
1 Are friends inportant to you? Make a list of reasons.. 2 Skim paragraph1 and find who is Anne’s best friend. 3 Skim the whole passage and find out what the main idea of the diary is. 4 Guess the main idea of the whole passage
Key words