Jean-Philippe Tock (TE-MSC) On behalf of the SMACC project
Activities since last LSC (28/02/2014) Arc splices installation By Activities By sectors SIT DFBA Dashboards Specials Update on overheated splices End of project issue Activities for the next 2 weeks Conclusions
JPh Tock 4/29 Sector 56 : Final leak test and reconnection of DFBAK Sector 67 : Complete interventions on NC, reclose insulation vacuum Sector 78 Work on NC, Reconnection of DFBAO-SHM Sector 81 (Priority) Progress on insulation vacuum leak test Sector 12 Complete last IC (#1) Progress on closure of ICs Sector 23 Progress on the installation of electrical insulation Complete Q diodes consolidation Complete M line rewelding (but NCs) Sector 34 Complete installation of electrical insulation Work on overheated splices Start consolidation of Q diodes Sector 45 Complete resoldering of splices Progress on installation of shunts SMACC Main activities for the last 2 weeks >98 % done All shunts are installed > 95% rewelded Resoldering completed DFBAK SHM reconnection on-going [Splices are resoldered], > 98% reclosed, 12/14 vac subsectors leak tested Leaks on K hoses repaired, > ½ is finally LT > 40% done From last LSC ( ) DFBAK SHM reconnection on-going [Splices are resoldered], Only the last subesector remains to be leak tested Completed > 90% injected and controlled > 75% reclosed >95 % of the shunts are installed Interventions completed, ICs to be reclosed then final LT 1 out of 4 repaired, on-going
JPh Tock 5/29 SEQUENCE AND STATUS OK to open Open ICs Install DN200 Open M sleeves ElQC (old splices) Undo / Redo splicesElQC (new splices) Machine Cu > 7.9 sectors ElQC after Cu mach. > 7.9 sectors Install shunts ≈ 7.9 sectors ElQC after shunt ≈ 7.9 sectors Insulate splices ≈ 7 sectors Weld M ≈ 6 sectors Leak test M ≈ 5.5 sectors Close IC > 4.5 sectors Final LT ≈ 3.5 sectors Consolidate Q diodes ≈ 6.5 sectors Cancelled Completed Non-conformities (Before P Test) Non-conformities (After P Test) 1 completed ≈ 3.5 sec-eq Almost completed in 1 st sector (67) Completed
JPh Tock 6/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Courtesy H Prin Resoldering: Completed for the whole LHC Some desoldering/resoldering will be necessary because of NC Degradation after Cu machining, non-conformities,… Competence and minimum capacity will be kept up to the end of the project
JPh Tock 7/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Cu machining completed in > 7.9 sectors-eq Completed in 3 sectors Only 11 remaining, mostly linked to overheated splices and DFBA SHM reconnection Courtesy MDumas
JPh Tock 8/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Shunts are installed in ≈ 7.9 sectors-eq 2 weeks ahead of schedule Saturation effect is seen Completed in 3 sectors (67, 81, 12) Only 16 ICs remains in the whole LHC (≈1%) Shunt weekly installation rate (4 weeks sliding average) *Estimate for W11 Courtesy H Prin
JPh Tock 9/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Insulation box: Installed in > 6.5 sectors equivalent Courtesy H Prin / G Maury On the baseline > 3 weeks buffer wrt welding Only 8 ICs left in 6 first sectors (<1 %) but it was 12 ICs 2 weeks ago Issue with some tooling components (mixer), should be solved next week A fall back solution exists (4 weeks sliding average) *Estimate for W8
JPh Tock 10/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Consolidation of Q Diodes: in ≈ 6.5 sectors equivalent Detailed schedule worked out Should not interfere with welding activities NC of un~/badly coated BB Already decided to “use as is” if on magnet side Decision extended to diode side [Diodes WG ] was confirmed at TETM Courtesy L Grand-Clement,
JPh Tock 11/29 SMACC Progress report by activity M Welding : Done in ≈ 6 sec-eq: Routinely 60 ICs/week Work concentrated in 1 sector, starting in 34 (7 th /8) No major disturbance Exactly on the baseline presented on Detailed presentation at next LSC As presented LSC Slightly ahead of revised schedule Courtesy S Atieh
JPh Tock 12/29 SMACC Progress report by activity M sleeves leak testing : Completed in ≈ 5.5 sec-eq Following the M lines rewelding, less regular by nature (sectorization) ≈ 3 weeks behind schedule Under recovery as for the M welding Courtesy P Cruikshank / L Mourier
JPh Tock 13/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Reclosure of interconnections : > 4.5 sec equivalent are reclosed Work mainly in S12 and starting in S23 On the baseline The 1000 th IC will be closed this afternoon Courtesy A Chrul / A Musso
JPh Tock 14/29 SMACC Progress report by activity Final leak test: > 750 ICs validated, > 3.5 sec equivalent 3 weeks to have results after repumping S56: only DFBAK subsector remains S67: fully validated but subsectors to be revalidated after interventions on NC S78: 12 subsectors validated S81: 11 subsectors validated, 3 under test, several interventions S12: 6 subsectors under test About 1 week behind schedule, was 3 weeks at last LSC
JPh Tock 15/29 SMACC Sector 67 2 leaks fixed, one not localised, accepted as is On-going: Reclosure and final leak test of insulationvacuum SMACC Sector 81 Remaining : Less than half of W leak test and DN200 (Back on baseline )
JPh Tock 16/29 SMACC Progress report by sector Main activities are : Leak test of M lines Closure of interconnections 6/14 subsectors are under final LT Main activities are : Welding of M lines Leak test of M lines Start reclosure of Ics (Today)
JPh Tock 17/29 SMACC Progress report by sector Main activities are : Work on overheated splices (More info in next slides) Q diodes consolidation Rewelding of M lines Main activities are : Installation of shunts Installation of electrical insulation
JPh Tock 18/29 SMACC Dashboards Shunting is slowing down (Difficult cases: overheated splices, DFBAs,… ) The installation of insulation boxes is ahead of the baseline Welding and M leak test rates are recovering the baseline schedule in parallel Reclosure: On baseline, nominal rate achieved Insulation vacuum leak test : RECOVERING Disturbances of leak tests (M lines and insulation vacuum) have to be minimised
Completed New
JPh Tock 20/29 SMACC Progress report SIT SIT Team is reduced but can be remobilised very quickly Activities linked to NC, leaks and overheated splices Courtesy N Bourcey, S Le Naour
JPh Tock 21/29 SMACC DFBA Courtesy A Perin, E Vergara 95% of splices are consolidated OK for just in time (New schedule) Many operations are well advanced but not completed 8 DFBAs are completed
JPh Tock 22/29 SMACC Dashboards Baseline:82.7 % (77.4 %) Completed:84.2 % (78.9 %) Delay -3 (-3) days Baseline:76.9 % (72.8 %) Completed:74.9 % (69.0 %) Delay 10 (20) days Ahead of schedule Decreasing delay Arc splices: Stable but difficult cases ahead SIT Delay decreases, waiting validation DFBA: Many activities on-going In the shadow of the arcs Baseline:85.7 % (81.1 %) Completed:67.1 % (57.4 %) Delay 3 (4) months Recovering
JPh Tock 23/29 SMACC Dashboards Progress: Baseline:82.5% (77.5 %) Completed:82.1% (76.6 %) Delay2 (6) days Decreasing ; Δbaseline <≈ Δcompleted
JPh Tock 24/29 SMACC Overheated splices From LSC of Courtesy C Scheuerlein, F Savary Confirmed as is Within the present schedule, possible to repair 4 to 5 splices with new cables [Forecast is max 6]
JPh Tock 25/29 End of project issue Courtesy R Ostojic, M Struik In order to alleviate effect of the end of work atmosphere, presence in the tunnel is increased: * One extra staff (Thx TE-VSC) to second worksite supervisors * Auditors are reinforced and are intensifying audits
JPh Tock 26/29 SMACC Summary on progress Main 13 kA Splices: On schedule Q Diodes consolidation : Almost all components are at CERN and tested Overheated splices : to be followed up closely Leak test rate is according to forecast, slightly more needed Special Interventions: Delay is decreasinng Almost all planned interventions are completed Focus on NC DFBA: Activities are back in the shadow of arc splices (except 56-78) SMACC: About 2 days of delay, reducing wrt schedule defined one year ago !! Very slightly more than nominal rate achieved these last 24 weeks !
JPh Tock 27/29 Sector 56 : Final leak test and reconnection of DFBAK Sector 67 : Reclose insulation vacuum and start final leak tests Sector 78 Work on NC Reconnection of DFBAO-SHM Sector 81 (Priority) Complete insulation vacuum leak test Sector 12 (Priority) Reclose last ICs Progress on insulation vacuum leak test Sector 23 Complete the installation of electrical insulation Complete M line rewelding (but NCs) Progress on M-lines leak testing Start reclosure of ICs Sector 34 Work on overheated splices Complete consolidation of Q diodes Sector 45 Progress on installation of shunts Progress on electrical insulation SMACC Main activities for the next 2 weeks
JPh Tock 28/29 Conclusions Project is almost back on schedule (-2 days) Mind the last X % effect Leak testing is reaching the planned rates DFBA consolidation is progressing very well Overheated splices : On the critical path S67 is almost ready for next step (ElQA before cooldown foreseen end of April) S81 should be ready on time for pressure test ( )
JPh Tock 29/29 Advancement is > 80 % …. But
JPh Tock 31/29