Capabilities of the to deal with space debris Capabilities of the Space Situation Monitoring and Analysis System (SSMAS) to deal with space debris
Capabilities of SSMAS to provide customers with data The Space Situation Monitoring and Analysis System (SSMAS) can deal with space debris by providing end customers with data. This segment of activities of the SSMAS are divided into several specific domains: 1. Provision of orbital elements data and photometric observations data of space debris fragments in LEO, MEO, HEO and GEO. 2. Provision of more precise orbital elements data of space debris fragments movement according to positional observations which are provided by national optical and radar space surveillance facilities. 3. Prediction of a potentially dangerous “close approach” between the pieces of space junk and target space vehicles based on more precise orbital elements data of space objects movement. 4. Prediction of an orbital lifetime of space debris according to more precise orbital elements data of its movement. 5. Provision of the data about the re-entry time window and impact footprint in the case of falling large pieces of space junk and associated hazard potentials for the population in the entry ground swath. 6. Provision of the information about state of space vehicles and their attitudes in case of emergency situations in space by analysis of photometric observations due to light curves.
National ground-based space surveillance fasilities
The conducts monitoring of space situation at a wide range of altitudes by available space surveillance assets. The SSMAS conducts monitoring of space situation at a wide range of altitudes by available space surveillance assets. Sensitivity thresholds of ground optical facilities (positional astrometric observations) : Sensitivity thresholds of ground optical facilities (positional astrometric observations) are the following: 1. Space objects greater than 20cm in size (magnitude +12) in orbits at altitudes up to 2000km. 2. Space objects greater than 1m in size (magnitude of +18 to +18.5) in HEO and GEO Positional astrometric observations of space debris fragments (on the basis of ground-based observations)
Photometric observations Taking into account the photometry great opportunities of space objects, the role of photometric observations increases nowadays. Though photometric observations are more complicated and based on solid scientific research, they give a lot of data about space objects. Together with TLE data, they allow to identify of unknown space objects with probability up to 0.8. Besides, photometric observations allow to identify abnormal mode factors of space vehicles. And this will facilitate to determine causes of space vehicle fault. The light curveof space vehicle FOBOS GRUNT, which confirmed its destabilization The light curve of space vehicle FOBOS GRUNT, which confirmed its destabilization
Photometric observations (follow-up) Photometric observations allow to identify the operating mode of space vehicles (active, passive or emergency) and attitude of space vehicles relative to an observer or celestial coordinate system. Our opportunities (which can be offered to ESA) of the photometric observation activities are divided into several specific domains: 1. Provision of an absolute multi-color photometry of space objects in LEO. 2. Provision of an absolute and relative photometry of active and passive space vehicles with magnitude up to in GEO. 3. Provision of photometry data processing results (computation of photometric, dynamic, optical-geometrical characteristics of space objects) and light curves analysis. 4. Determination of dynamic state (normal mode, abnormal mode, emergency mode) of European space vehicles in orbit and so on. The schematic light curveа “ represents surface of space vehicle LAGEOS after breakup The schematic light curve“а “ represents surface of space vehicle LAGEOS after breakup
Information service Prediction of potentially dangerous “close approach” between space objects As the space debris population grows, the warning of potentially dangerous close fly-bys (conjunctions) between space objects is more relevant. As the space debris population grows, the warning of potentially dangerous close fly-bys (conjunctions) between space objects is more relevant. Prediction of potentially dangerous “close approaches” is conducted to support safe space flights. Prediction of potentially dangerous “close approaches” is conducted to support safe space flights. conducts prediction of close fly-bys (conjunctions) of target operational space vehicles with any of catalogued objects. The information is provided by the Main Catalogue of Space Objects. SSMAS conducts prediction of close fly-bys (conjunctions) of target operational space vehicles with any of catalogued objects. The information is provided by the Main Catalogue of Space Objects. provides detailed information on the approaching each other space objects which includes approach date, coordinates, dangerous fly- by distances. If the collision occurs, the resulting space debris fragments are tracked by. SSMAS provides detailed information on the approaching each other space objects which includes approach date, coordinates, dangerous fly- by distances. If the collision occurs, the resulting space debris fragments are tracked by SSMAS. Базовий КО № 23657, Січ - 1: Базовий КО № 23657, Січ - 1: Prognoz sblizenie Gravity model PZ90 0 Catalogue number of Base object Serial number of the Base object 1 Volume catalog of current object Number of Base projections NN Object Date Time (UTC) Distance, m CoilC CoilB NN Object Date Time (UTC) Distance, m CoilC CoilB Danger :29: Danger :29: Danger :17: Danger :00: Danger :14: Danger :12: Danger :21: Danger :17: Danger :02: Danger :45: Potentially dangerous objects 3310 CPU time, s 590
The advance warning to the international community about uncontrolled reentry of space objects will allow to avert disastrous effects. The advance warning to the international community about uncontrolled reentry of space objects will allow to avert disastrous effects. The staff often conducted prediction of space objects lifetime and probable impact areas. Besides, provides customers with advance information about date, time and coordinates of reentry and impact areas of man-made space objects. The SSMAS staff often conducted prediction of space objects lifetime and probable impact areas. Besides, SSMAS provides customers with advance information about date, time and coordinates of reentry and impact areas of man-made space objects. Warning about uncontrolled reentry of man-made space objects.
The ian SSMAS conducts monitoring of space objects in GEO, discovers and tracks them at geostationary arc which is visible from Ukraine (20º W - 70º E.). Besides, the tracks them to maintain the zone catalogue. The Ukrainian SSMAS conducts monitoring of space objects in GEO, discovers and tracks them at geostationary arc which is visible from Ukraine (20º W - 70º E.). Besides, the SSMAS tracks them to maintain the zone catalogue. The general purpose of GEO surveillance is to support safety in orbit. The general purpose of GEO surveillance is to support safety in orbit. GEOsurveillance GEO surveillance geostationary arc regions of GEO with uncatalogued space objects
Because of an insufficient number of assets to detect and track, their limited capabilities and amount of uncontrolled space objects, it is impossible to continuously track all space vehicles and space debris fragments in orbits. Therefore, the involving of any extra observation point is a very important contribution to the common system of outer space surveillance. Participation of in joint ESA projects ( ) will allow to broaden the basis of observations, cover wider region of outer space and increase the number of space debris fragments, which are monitored. Because of an insufficient number of assets to detect and track, their limited capabilities and ever- increasing amount of uncontrolled space objects, it is impossible to continuously track all space vehicles and space debris fragments in orbits. Therefore, the involving of any extra observation point is a very important contribution to the common system of outer space surveillance. Participation of SSMAS in joint ESA projects ( namely provision of data to combat space debris) will allow to broaden the basis of observations, cover wider region of outer space and increase the number of space debris fragments, which are monitored. Ukraine has a powerful scientific potential, especially with regard to space surveillance. Besides, our specialists have extensive experience in this area, accumulated within many years of work. The collaboration between and ESA will lead to the following innovative development of the system and its ground-based infrastructure, upgrading of scientific and technological resource base. The collaboration between SSMAS and ESA will lead to the following innovative development of the system and its ground-based infrastructure, upgrading of scientific and technological resource base. Summary