Chris Wright 3 rd Feb 2010 PAIG Group Meeting
Objectives for today Understand 1Spatials credibility in the area To walk through the process that has been developed
Working on PAI for over 7 years in the UK Developed a tailored solution to fit the Australian market Based on 2 key principals – Ease of use – Automation Enabling operational efficiency
3 steps to S patially U pdate R eal world F eatures SURFSURF
Existing 2005 cadastre Existing 2009 cadastre Generate shift vectors between epochs Generate shift lines Generate shift points Generate shift lines Generate shift points Complete coverage in Lat Long and Metres Cadastre courtesy of Landgate Asset data courtesy of Western Power Step 1 Shift vector generation
Complete coverage In Lat Long and Metres Radius Studio – Shift vector generation Landgate Step 1 Shift vector generation
Complete coverage Use Radius Align to shift 2005 cadastre using generated shift vectors Use Radius Align to shift 2005 cadastre using generated shift vectors Shifted results Shifted 2005 and 2009 data Use Radius Studio to generate areas of Real World Change (RWC) Step 2 Shift vector validation
Complete coverage Use Radius Studio to generate areas of Real World Change (RWC) Radius Studio – Link file generation Landgate Radius Align & Radius Studio - Shift vector validation Landgate Step 2 Shift vector validation
Complete coverage Use Radius Studio to generate areas of Real World Change (RWC) Landgate ship new cadastre, shift vectors and Real World Change areas to users Landgate ship new cadastre, shift vectors and Real World Change areas to users Users use Radius Align to re-align asset information Users use Radius Align to re-align asset information Offsets and alignment of assets is maintained during the process Offsets and alignment of assets is maintained during the process The completed process Once complete users can use the confidence areas to check the shift. Optionally Radius Studio can be used to do further data quality checks Step 3 Asset shift and validation
Complete coverage Use Radius Align to shift 2005 basemap using generated shift vectors Shifted results Shifted 2005 and 2009 data Use Radius Studio to generate areas of Real World Change (RWC) Once complete users can use the Confidence areas to check the shift. Optionally Radius Studio can be used to do further data quality checks Radius Studio – Link file generation process Landgate Radius Align & Radius Studio Shift vector analysis Landgate Radius Align - Shift assets. Optionally Radius Studio used for QA checks. User sites 3 Steps to Spatially Update Real world Features
User performs step 3 with Radius Align and optionally Radius Studio Langate provide Steps 1 and 2 for their customer base User takes Cadastre, Shift Vectors and Confidence areas and shifts assets Steps In Summary 2 Epochs of cadastre identified Radius Studio produces Shift Vectors Shift Vector validation using Studio & Align Radius Studio used to produce Confidence areas
Alternatively Users can perform all 3 steps themselves User takes Cadastre, Shift Vectors and Confidence areas and shifts assets Steps In Summary 2 Epochs of cadastre identified Radius Studio produces Shift Vectors Shift Vector validation using Studio & Align Radius Studio used to produce Confidence areas
By: Chris Wright Date: 3 rd Feb 2010 PAIG Group Meeting