Back from the Future Cuba Under Castro Chapter 1 Xaina Vega Julia Alvarez
Contextual Factors Affecting State Policy Options The Weight of the PAst- Castro wanted absolute power, but government is limited in an “inherited economy” that was shaped by the past. Slave mentalities and sacred traditions of the people were never dismissed. Castro wanted to give his people new beliefs and values and effectively create the “New Man.” This was what Che Guevera wanted to create: elegant, selfless, non materialistic, cooperative, hardworking, and morally pure people. But even though some citizens seemed to be doing this in public, in private they reverted to their own traditions and rituals rooted from the past. Global Geopolitical, Political, and Economic Dynamics-Little would or could change. 3rd world countries after ww2 until the fall of the Ussr were shaped by the cold war. Cold war politics pressured 3rd world countries to become allied with a superpower: The US or USSR. Latin America went under the USA’s sphere of influence and many of those nations became super dependent on the uS. The evolution of cuba is because of the cold war. The us said they would only contribute to the radicalization and cuba’s alliance with the soviets. The us was forgiving of China and the Soviet union but not cuba. Even after Castro encouraged foreign investment. washington’s strategy became domestic and not merely a foreign policy matter. Formal and Informal State Dynamics- The state was more than just castro. This initiative that supposedly pushes people is the knowledge of collective goods.Both informal and formal state structures can burden or constrain leadership policies and their implementation. Some problems are state socialist managers are only evaluated by political but not really by economic criteria.
Contextual Factors Affecting State Policy Options Pressures from Civil Society-People in civil societies can limit what leaders accomplish. People in positions of power may give their citizens “false consciousness” and sway them a particular way. Unhappiness with the government is dangerous and people hardly show their discontent out of fear of the illegality. Their distain is expressed secretly. Black market activities are used in defiance of the government. State and individuals interests are always conflicted. Covert activity undermines the state’s ability to accomplish things. Persons in power will feel the need to respond to covert activites. Castro has tolerated corruption, disobedience, and illegality when wanting removal of specific leaders. Ideology as a Force Sui Generis under State Socialism Socialist countries have to follow the Marxist-Leninist Moral Principles. These beliefs should inspire and influence policy choices. But each elite or individual has different interpretations of the policies set forth. The people do not have to really believe in the policy but they do have to live it out, or else they will face grave consequences. But the failure of Leaders to practice what they preach makes the citizens angry and disobedient towards the government..
The Historical Roots of the Cuban Revolution Castro’s rise to power followed decades of political conflicts, violence & instability. Fidel castro trained as a lawyer & petitioned the supreme court to declare the batista gov’t unconstitutional- his petition was denied. electoral road close-castro turned to armed struggle. Castro’s overthrow of batista began on july 1953 when he led an attack on the moncada barracks. castro used law to legitimate his rebellion. he argued batista ruled dictatorially,-not with constitutional power. objectively the moncada attack was a failure-half killed/imprisoned. the movement that destroyed batista’s regime came to be known as the july 26 movement. attack on the barracks & trial that followed-made castro a household speech his trial, he oulined a program for sj and integrity. upon release, castro started involving a guerilla movement. he went into exile & met che guevara. in dec. 1956, castro, che & guerrilla allies sailed to cuba on the boat granma-the name later became the name of the newspaper after caro came to power. made base where the successful launch of the movement drove batista from office. peasants formed base for castro’s guerilla movement bc they wanted to improve their lives-schools. everyone turned against batista-student attack on p palace, pd by women rich financed anti-batista struggle. united states intervened hugely in cuba-sugar
State Transformation under Castro castro-did not determine form and evolution of revolution. castro had charisma-seemed morally pure, made regular people feel special. brought together the groups involved in making the revolution and transformed org. pre req for top spots in party was 2 love castro. obv, castro & his bro held the top spots. periodically purged the Party of individuals failing their duties. purs to pcc (socialism to communism). top officials had special privileges-travel, cars, etc. party loyalty made opportunities possible. castro’s communism was distinctive from soviet bloc communism. state society relations-organizations formed that grouped forces in civil society on a territorial/functional interest-group basis. integrated women into revolution, learn work skills. small private farmers-normalize to new society, educated, promoted athletics. media-castro controlled it, kept his image alive, daily. art- tightly controlled, imprisoned.