God’s Offer Guidance Protection Blessing Without God’s Presence Exodus 33
Matthew 5:8 The Beatitudes “A Heart for God” “A Heart for God” Pg 852 In Church Bibles
Persecuted Poor in Spirit Mourn Meek Meek Hunger for righteousness Hunger for righteousness Merciful Pure in heart Peacemaker -Have, can do nothing -Conviction: sin against God - Surrender, His will, not ours - Undivided heart for God-presence - Heart of compassion from Above -fruit - Intense desire, cry for Him to work and fill us with His right living, power
God’s Offer Guidance Protection Blessing Without God’s Presence Exodus 33:1-3
…Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’ Exodus 33:12
The shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. John 10:3;14
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God… Ephesians 2.8
If found grace in Your sight Show me Your way Exodus 33:13
If found grace in Your sight Show me Your way (follow You… want to be where You are) that I may know You that I may find grace in Your sight …this…is Your people Exodus 33:13
God’s Offer Guidance Protection Blessing God’s Presence Exodus 33:1-3
God’s Offer Guidance Protection Blessing Without God’s Presence Exodus 33:1-3
Poor in Spirit Mourn Meek Meek Hunger for righteousness Hunger for righteousness Merciful Pure in heart -Have, can do nothing -Conviction: sin against God - Surrender, His will, not ours - Undivided heart for God-presence - Heart of compassion from Above -fruit - Intense desire, cry for Him to work and fill us with His right living, power