Lesson 16 page 96 Questions 6-30 December 2, 2015
Review Tenses and Participles VerbPast TensePast ParticiplePresent TensePresent Participle WalkWalkedHas walkedWalksIs Walking AvertAvertedHas AvertedAvertsIs Averting ArticulateArticulatedHas ArticulatedArticulatesIs Articulating GestureGesturedHas GesturedGesturesIs Gesturing PlayPlayedHas PlayedPlaysIs Playing HurryHurriedHas HurriedHurriesIs Hurrying CompleteCompletedHas CompletedCompletesIs Completing
Review Perfect Tenses Past Perfect= had + past participle Present Perfect= have or has + past participle Future perfect= will or shall have + past participle Past PerfectPresent PerfectFuture Perfect Had selectedHas/have selectedWill/shall have selected Had walkedHas/have walkedWill/shall have walked Had learnedhas./have learnedWill/shall have learned Had calledHas/have calledWill/shall have called
Verbals A verbal is a verb form that does not function as a verb. A verbal may act as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. There are three kinds of verbals: *the gerund *the participle *the infinitive
Verbals The participle: functions as an adjective. Infinitives: Can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Gerund: Functions as a noun
Gerunds *Always end with –ing *Function as a noun - nouns can function as the subject of a sentence, a direct object, an object of a preposition, or a predicate noun. *This lesson will focus on gerunds as subjects.
Gerunds as the Subject of a Sentence All words ending with –ing are not gerunds. In order to determine whether a word ending with –ing is a gerund or not, you must follow two steps: 1.Find the simple predicate. 2.Find the simple subject. If the –ing form of the verb is the simple subject, then the subject of the sentence is a gerund. You will see examples of gerunds as subjects on the next slide.
Gerunds as Subjects Please note, if you are using this slide independently, you need to reference page 93 of the text to see how these sentences should be diagrammed. Speech writing proved challenging. Conscientious voting requires understanding of the issues. Her campaigning turned the election in her favor.
EXAMPLES Example 1 (page 94): Underline each gerund used as a subject in the sentences below. a.Managing foreign relations is the primary responsibility of the Department of State. b.The President’s vetoing certain bills angered some legislators. c.Residing in the White House remains a privilege of the President.
Examples Answers a.Managing b.Vetoing c.Residing Remember, the gerund ends with –ing and acts or functions as the subject of the sentence.
Review Set 16 Questions 6-30 Page 96