How have you seen people serve others in significant ways? What were the circumstances? What was it about this service that stood out in their minds?
How have you seen people serve others in significant ways? How did the service help the one being served? What lessons could be learned from such examples of service?
Serving others is not our first inclination. We are not servant-hearted by nature. In today’s lesson we will see how a very important person humbled Himself to serve others and leave us an example to follow.
No Room for Pride John 13:1-20 family theme: The Humble Savior family theme: The Humble Savior
Know: Christ served His disciples as an example of how they should serve one another. Think: Understand that we should humble ourselves and serve others. Do: Humble ourselves and serve others, no matter who they are. Objectives:
Christ Humbly Served Despite His Circumstances John 13:1-5
Christ Humbly Served Despite His Circumstances Jesus was about to die and He was sorrowful to the point of being overwhelmed with grief, yet He still served His disciples.
We can serve others even when life is hard. How might serving others turn out to be a blessing to us when we are going through a difficult time? What are some ways we can serve others and be a blessing to them?
Christ Humbly Served Despite the Failures of His Followers John 13:6-11
Jesus’ knowledge that Judas was about to betray Him demonstrates that Jesus is the sovereign Lord of all, and knows all things.
Christ Humbly Served Despite the Failures of His Followers Peter was going to deny Him publicly. They all were going to leave Him, and Judas was going to betray Him for a small sum of money. Yet Christ served them all. Their worthiness did not matter.
We serve others no matter their failures, or how they treat us. Why is it difficult to help or serve those who let us down or hurt us in some way? How can serving those people bring glory to God and point people to Him?
Christ Humbly Served Despite His Position as Lord John 13:12-20
Christ Humbly Served Despite His Position as Lord Jesus was master, teacher, and Lord, but that did not prevent Him from serving like the lowest servants of the day who washed the dirty feet of guests as they entered a house. He did this to show His disciples that they should serve one another.
We serve others no matter our title or position. How does Jesus’ example motivate us to serve others? What are some examples of how we can serve those who are subordinate to us in some way?
In what ways did Jesus’ disciples let Him down after this event? How has Jesus served us in spite of our shortcomings?
Whom could we serve this week in spite of how they have hurt us or let us down? What will we do to serve them this week?
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FUSION provides a daily Bible reading schedule, devotional thoughts, and insightful questions designed to help adults apply and respond throughout the week to the lesson learned on Sunday.
FUSIONext provides a daily Bible reading, devotional thought, and insightful questions designed to help adults with grown children, empty-nesters, and mentors reinforce the lesson throughout the week as they follow Christ and promote generational discipleship.