S-T-A-R (A-R) For when things go bad
Corrective Feedback - hard to give & get S-T-A-R model is useful here also. Remain calm, professional, and always accurate about the action, event, outcome that is not satisfactory. Know what action and outcome you wanted to happen.
Corrective Feedback - hard to give & get Specific – accurate data, not emotional, not vague. Timely - as soon as possible after the action/event/outcome. Action based -relates to named actions and outcomes. Results shown – outcome should be put into context so that the ‘universal picture’ is part of the feedback. Alternate Action – what you want to happen next time. Results – refer to desired result.
Language (example/suggestion only) S-T-A-R (undesired result) “when you... (describe action)... I saw... (details of what happened) and the... (results were)... which means.. (context etc)”. -A-R (alternate result) “next time you do this... (give desired input).. so that.. (describe desired result)... and that... (context).
S-T-A-R –A-R Practice 1.‘X’ did not record written details for a new order taken over the phone, and the product was the wrong colour after some confusion within the business between sales and production. The client has rejected the order, which has cost the business and also damaged their reputation. 2.‘X’ failed to check their and missed a request to update and print out information for a meeting, meaning ‘X’s’ manager (you) had to present without notes etc. and the decision went against the manager’s (you) plan. You think that the decision would have gone your way if you had the proper materials when presenting. As a result the department may now lose staff member.
TOOLS OF PERSUASION Yes sets Artful vagueness Charismatic speaking
YES sets & YES tags To ‘create agreement’ from staff use a ‘Yes’ set. A Yes set is a series (3) of facts that we all agree with followed by a suggestion/ request (that we will also agree with) and a yes tag. Eg. You are all here for summer school (YES) which we all know is shorter than a semester (YES) for the same credits (YES) so we all understand the need to work harder (SUGGESTION REQUEST), don’t we ? (YES TAG)
Practice YES sets 1. Use a YES set to ask for a raise as the owner has got a new car, the building has just been painted, a news story was on the radio about how well the economy is doing – and you want a raise. 2. ‘Sell’ a new health policy to the staff in which you are removing highly coloured and sweetened drinks from the canteen.
Artful vagueness – ‘fill in the gaps’ Politicians never really say anything do they ? Ask your manager a simple question – do you get a simple answer? The art of the artfully vague. By using frame setting language and avoiding detail, speakers get the listener to create the rest of the message – as they want to hear it. A useful tool when dealing with a mixed crowd of stakeholders.
Frame setting language Set the frame by stating desired outcomes (vaguely –so we all agree) at the start. limit the scope to what is relevant. Ask ‘what if?’ to create possibility (rather than certainty). Eg “we all want full employment (outcome)” “the cost of labour is higher in NZ than in Argentina (what is relevant)” “what if NZ could compete more effectively with Argentina?”
Artfully vague By not giving the listener details to work with, the speaker forces the listener to ‘create’ those details. As people ‘see what they want to see” so they ‘hear what they want to hear’.