Temperate Forest To Learn what Temperate forest is.
Temperate forest What is temperate forest The location of temperate forest The climate of temperate forest The vegetation of temperate forest The wildlife of temperate forest
Temperate Forest
What! Temperate Forest 01 high levels of humidity and precipitation deciduous trees Evergreen coniferous
Temperate Forest
Location Temperate Forest Eastern Asia Central and Western Europe Eastern United States
Temperate Forest
Temperate Forest Climate Trait 1.Have a high range of temperatures BUT! In winter- -22 degrees Fahrenheit Eg: in summer -86 degrees Fahrenheit 2.receive abundant amounts of precipitation usually between inches of precipitation annually. This precipitation is in the form of rain and snow.
Temperate Forest
Vegetation Temperate Forest Factors HUMUS RAINFALL Material formed from decaying leaves And other organic matter.
Temperate Forest
Wildlife Temperate Forest SPIDERS WOLVES FOXES BEARS RACOONS( 浣熊 ) MOOSE( 麋鹿 ) EAGLES home to a wide variety of animals
Temperate Forest
Temperate Forest. A beautiful place in the world That’s all.Thanks a lot