Entire coat, including the muzzle, flanks, and legs May fade when exposed to sun
Brown or reddish brown body Black points Tail, mane, legs Can still have stockings
Body color is yellowish or gold Black points Lacks primitive markings
Dorsal Stripe Zebra stripes/leg barring Shoulder/traverse stripes
Body color is yellowish or gold colored Mane and tail can be brown or red Has primitive markings
Overall intermingling mix of white hairs over black body Blue hue Does not get whiter with age
Overall intermingling white hairs over black body Red hue Does not get whiter with age
Born with any color with white hair, gets whiter as horse ages Black skin
Body color is mousy or smoke colored No white hairs Black points Primitive black markings
Body color is dark red to brownish red Mane and tail usually red or brownish, but can be flaxen
Body color is reddish or copper Mane and tail usually same color as body
Body color ranges from rich gold to pale yellow Blonde mane and tail