Insects are real pests right?
Think again! Have you thought what insects can do for us?
D id you know that if we got rid of insects then we wouldn’t have things like silk, beeswax and honey that are made by insects. I know that I couldn’t live without my honey sandwiches! Could you?
D o you like pretty flowers? Well if we got rid of insects there would be no flowers because insects pollinate flowers. (This helps new flowers grow). They also pollinate other plants that provide us fruit and vegies, so if we didn’t have them we wouldn’t be very healthy.
D id you know that insects are near the bottom of the food chain? That means that all other animals either eat insects or eat other animals that eat insects. I f insects became extinct then other animals would eventually die too!
Have you ever noticed worms in your garden? Well worms crawl through soil to make it rich and moist for growing plants, so if we didn’t have worms (insects) than we wouldn’t have crops like wheat. That means we wouldn’t have things like cereals, biscuits and bread.
If you still think that insects are pests then you’re wrong! By Luke Clifford.