Help for the Parents of Struggling Readers A Parent Presentation by _____, Kristy Treven, _______
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Theories Strategies for Parents Break Continued Strategies Self-Questioning Strategy Centers
Welcome and Introductions
Overview of Today’s Presentation WHY you are important to your child’s reading development. HOW you can support your child’s reading development. WHAT you can do today to help your child.
Emergent Literacy Theory “Emergent Literacy Theory underscores the finding that although many home-related factors are important to children’s reading success, including parents education, occupation, and socioeconomic level, the quality of the literacy environment correlates most closely with the children’s early literacy abilities.” Marie Clay
Emergent Literacy Theory Emergent literacy From birth to about 3rd Grade Literacy skills listening speaking reading writing Skills begin at birth and continue to grow and change Your home plays a critical role in reading development students with literacy rich home environments tend to have stronger literacy skills
What is a Literacy Rich Environment? Wide variety of books Writing materials: pencils, crayons, paper, markers... Expectations for interacting with the materials Appealing and engaging to promote curiosity
Theory of Literacy Development Learning to read is a naturally developing process. Holdaway
Processes in Literacy Development 1.Observation 2.Collaboration 3.Practice 4.Performance Parents are the perfect model for literacy behaviors take practices being used in the classroom for use in the home
Strategies for Home Use
The Home Library
You can build a home library inexpensively. *Borrow books from the Library *Ask for books as gifts at birthdays and holidays *Order from Scholastic Book Orders through your school *Resale shops: Goodwill, Salvation Army… *Garage sales *If you have a computer or tablet, you can get free ebooks You are your child’s first teacher.
All homes can have a library, even if English is not your first language. All homes can have a library, even if it is a small library. All homes can have a library, even if you have a busy home.
Concepts About Print
Concepts about Print: What is it? Book Concepts Front and back cover; top and bottom; turning pages; where to start reading; title; author/illustrator Print Concepts Read left to right; letters; capital letters’ words; sentences; spaces between words; punctuation; oral language can be written and then read Concepts about Print: How can you help? Help your child locate the front/back of the book, title and author Point to words as you read them Have your child point to uppercase letters, lowercase letters and punctuation
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness: What is it? Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in words (From the Reading Rockets website). It’s phonics without the letters and it’s an early predictor of reading success. Phonemic Awareness: How can you help? ●Sing with your child ●Play rhyming games These handouts can help...
Comprehension: What is it? Comprehension is simply understanding what happens in a story or text. Children read fiction (make-believe) and non-fiction (factual). Comprehension: How can you help? ●Before reading, ask questions! ●During reading, ask questions! ●After reading, ask questions! These handouts can help...
10 Minute Break
Bridging to the Intermediate Learner Comprehension Strategy Continued..
Self-Questioning Strategy An Example
Questioning in the Real World My first week of school was also my daughter’s first week in a new school, her first week of youth group and my mother-in-law was visiting us with her sister. Then the dishwasher broke. I became the learner as I traded questions with salesmen at three stores. None of the salesmen told me what to do. They asked questions to learn my desires and needs. I asked questions to learn more about each dishwasher. Turn and Talk: Can you think of a time when you asked questions to get more information?
Who are the Nacirema?
Off you go! 1.Jot your questions down in the margins 1.Remember, you’re focusing on asking questions NOT answering them!
Post-its I wonder why the article was revised?
Types of Questions In my head In the text In another source Ponderable question Clarifying questions
What did you notice about yourself as a reader? Did you find yourself asking certain types of questions more and struggling with others? What might this mean for your child?
Thank you for joining us today. If you have additional questions, please contact us.