EngageNY.org Addressing Classroom Realities
Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to: Preserve the continuity and scaffolding embedded in the modules while addressing the realities of participants’ classrooms of diverse learners. EngageNY.org
Considerations for Module and Lesson Prioritization and Planning What are the top priorities for my students? Which standards represent areas for student growth? How can I pace the curriculum? What can I eliminate? What processes can help me determine how to prioritize and adapt? EngageNY.org
Module-Level Considerations for Adaptation Instructional shifts Significant curriculum elements Focus/Assessed standards Text selections Length of units (# of lessons) Performance assessment Factors that impact prioritization of content and instruction Student needs Time constraints Resources EngageNY.org
Module-Level Considerations for Adaptation Which standards represent areas for student growth? Review the 11.1 Module Overview to consider: When are standards introduced? What are students required to know/be able to do and when? What will you lose if you work with particular texts or standards and not others? How will you need to modify major unit/module assessments? EngageNY.org
Considerations for Adaptation: Module-Level Tool Individually identify significant constraints and needs of your students and work through considerations for prioritizing and adapting. Discuss responses in critical pairs/triads to refine your recommendations for adaptations. Consider: With each adaptation, what do you gain? What do you lose? Debrief at your tables. Share with the larger group. EngageNY.org
Unit- and Lesson-Level Considerations for Adaptation Significant elements of a unit/lesson Assessed/addressed standards Texts Unit/lesson assessments Annotation Reading processes Question sequences Vocabulary Homework Pacing EngageNY.org Factors that impact implementation Student needs Time constraints Resources
Unit-Level Considerations for Adaptation How can you adapt units to support student needs and address constraints? Review the 11.1 Unit Overview to consider: o What are the mid- and end-of-unit assessments? –Which standards are assessed in the mid- and end-of-unit assessments? –Which lessons scaffold explicitly toward the unit assessments? o Which lessons focus on high-need standards for your students? –Are these the same lessons that most explicitly scaffold toward the mid- and end-of-unit assessments? »If not, how can you adapt the lessons or the assessments to ensure continuity and preserve or provide scaffolding? EngageNY.org
Lesson-Level Considerations for Adaptation How can you adapt individual lessons to support student needs and address constraints? Review Lesson 5 to consider: What are high-leverage parts of lesson sequences? –Which lesson elements best support struggling readers? –Which lesson elements help students to access vocabulary? –Which lesson elements help students to access the most complex pieces of text? Which elements can be eliminated, condensed, or extended? EngageNY.org
Considerations for Adaptation: Unit- and Lesson-Level Tool Individually identify significant constraints and needs of your students and work through considerations for prioritizing and adapting. Discuss responses in critical pairs/triads to refine your recommendations for adaptations. Consider: With each adaptation, what do you gain? What do you lose? Debrief at your tables. Share out with the larger group. EngageNY.org
Whole Group Discussion, Reflection, & Closing Identify key considerations for prioritizing curriculum at the module level Synthesize recommendations for adaptations at the lesson level EngageNY.org
Q & A EngageNY.org
CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT CIRCULATE Online Parking Lot Please go to: engageny.org/resource/network-team- institute-materials-february engageny.org/resource/network-team- institute-materials-february and select “Online Parking Lot” for any NYSED related questions. Thank You! EngageNY.org
CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT CIRCULATE EngageNY.org14 Plus/Deltas Please go to team-institute-materials-february and fill out the Plus/Delta for today’s session. team-institute-materials-february Thank You!