Career Pathway: Human Services Educational Development Plan
All About Me Autobiogra phy My name is Shatorrey Smith and I am currently living in Romulus, Michigan. I was born August 10, 1994 at Oakwood hospital in Dearborn. I was raised in a small town called Inkster. I am the only child I live with only my mother. I to Romulus High School preparing myself for college to better my future.
I believe that there are two ways to look at how the world develops The first is through the progress of history and human civilization, and the second is through the progress of knowledge and human understanding. The two are intensely interlinked, and I am and always have been passionately interested in both. In addition to math, cosmology and philosophy, I also devote much of my time to pursuing my love of history and current affairs
Career Ladder Career Ladder Education Plan Education Plan US History US History Lab Report Lab Report
Future Goals The career pathway I chose is Human Services, and the reason being is because I am very interested in cosmetology. Every since I was little I wanted to know how to style hair in become a professional. I want to cut boys hair, style girls hair, and traveling all around the world doing famous people hair. The school that I am going to attend is Dorsey School of Beauty. All I need is to be certified and get my certificate The tuitions totals $2,680, which includes the cost of books and supplies. After I finish beauty school I plan on opening my own salon.tuitions totals $2,680 Dorsey School of Beauty Dorsey School of Beauty
I‘ve been styling hair since I was twelve years old. My inspiration was my mom because she is a professional hair stylist and been styling hair since she was my age. As I got better at my own hair people started to trust me with styling there hair or cutting it. I already have this skills it take to become a hair stylist I just have to attend beauty school to get my license. I already have the skills it take to be come a cosmetologist. I know how to style, perm, cut and curl hair girls and boys hair. The only step I need to take next is going to a trade school to pursue me future goal.
Accomplishments My greatest accomplishment so far in high school is the good grades on my report card. report card.
This is the end of my presentation and I would like to thank everybody for setting and watching I hope everybody enjoyed my presentation Welcome to my Wiki Page