Christian Sexuality School of Theology & Ministry Seattle University Fran Ferder & John Heagle
Human Sexuality Culture Church Interpersonal
The Revolution Is Over ! TIME – April 9, 1984
What Is the Deeper Sexual Revolution? In our cultures? In our churches? In our personal lives?
Sex In America A Definitive Survey The Most Comprehensive, Revealing Report on Sexual Behavior Today And its Surprising Implications
Popular Images of Sexuality Sexuality = Sex Exploited by media as recreation/romance. Linked to violence.
Where are our Churches? An Affirming, Rooted Tradition Lingering Ambivalence & “Dualism”.
Hierarchy of Loving Agape —generous, Other-centered, God-like. Philia —mutual love Of friendship. Eros —passionate love, sexual desire.
Fear of Eros The Core Crisis in Church and Culture
Toward an Integrating Vision Eros Philia Agape
Re-Claiming Our Roots Returning to the Primal Vision of the Judeo-Christian Tradition. Incarnational Spirituality.
Renewing and Expanding Our Vision of Sexuality Reclaiming the goodness of Eros. Renewing our commitment to Responsible Loving
What Is Human Sexuality? Energy for Relationships
Sexuality: Communion- Making Energy Desire for Connection. Sacred Longing. Passion for Life— Creativity. “Cosmic Allurement”.
Human Sexuality “ Affects all aspects of the human persons in the unity of body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and give life, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.” Catholic Catechism #2332