Pastoral Letters? Brothers & Sisters to Us The Challenge of Peace Economic Justice for All
Conciliar Documents? Gaudium et Spes/The Church in the Modern World Justicia in Mundo/Justice in the World
“culture of death/culture of life” Evangelium Vitae/The Gospel of Life JP2
“nations with wealth should help economic development of poor nations.” “work towards economic, social, cultural & spiritual fulfillment of human potential” Populorum Progressio/On the Development of Peoples Pope Paul VI
U.S. economy—judge it on what it does for people, especially the marginalized Economic Justice for All U.S. Bishops
Liberation of the poor and oppressed Justicia in Mundo/Justice in the World Synod of Bishops
Racism should be eliminated from society in all forms Racism is a sin Brothers and Sisters to Us U.S. Bishops
The Church should speak on social issues Rights of workers, own private property, form unions Criticizes unbridled capitalism Rerum Novarum
The 90 th anniversary of Rerum Novarum Work expresses and increases human dignity Laborem Exercens/On Human Work
The Church must work with society to promote the common good The Church is servant to all Gaudium et Spes/The Church in the Modern World
Examines types of love Eros, agape, philia Love infuses all We must actually practice love of neighbor Deus Caritas Est/God Is Love
40 th anniversary of Rerum Novarum Subsidiarity Quadragesimo Anno/After Forty Years
Audience: ‘people of good will’ Long list of human rights Peace only achieved through just social order Pacem in Terris/Peace on Earth
Signs of the Times? Leo XIII Pius XI John XXIII JP2 (John Paul II)