LO: Enquire into the concept of AGAPE love
How would you define love? Watch the two clips and see if you are able to write down a definition of love. Clip one: Clip two:
What do you love? In your books, make a list of all of the things you love. Can you order them? Can you categorise them?
Different types of Love Quite often we think of the word LOVE to be related to romance and sexual love. However, in the Greek language there are 4 different words for love: Eros: sexual love Phillia: love for friends and family Agape: compassionate love Storge: love for objects Looking at the list you made – can you identify any of these types of love?
Agape Love Jesus taught that the most important thing was: ‘To love the Lord your God and love your neighbour as yourself’ But what does this mean? He used this story to help explain it:
Agape in a modern day? Read the news article together and watch the videos. Katie Cutler, along with the thousands of people who donated, showed compassion to disabled Alan Barnes after he was mugged.
Is it always possible to show Agape love? What makes it difficult?
Agape Today? Write a short written reflection into your book: Do you think the idea of agape love is important? Are there some circumstances when it is too difficult to show love? Is compassion a human quality that people should try and display?