SURVEY What do you think the legal drink age should be? 18 years old 21 years old
INFO & QUESTIONS “ More than 90 percent of high school seniors consume alcohol” (56) Students are also binge drink. Questions to think about “will reducing the drink age make it easier to teach young people to drink responsibly?” (56) “is reducing the drink age simply capitulating to the realities that young people drinking” (56) “Do drinking laws discriminate against people under the age of 21” (57)
INFO Kids can drive at 16, and get married at 18. But they can not drink until 21 In 2007 “Surgeon General published a paper with suggestions to reduce underage drinkin”(57) “The Amethyst Initiative” (58) Is a non-profit that was started in 2007 This made people think about the drink age, and even brought it up with colleges. 135 college president signed to help lower the drinking age to 18.
INFO The 21 law.(59-60) 18 years old were aloud to drink in the years 1970s-1980s. After prohibition majority of states had the drink age at 21. Because of Vietnam War, and voting rights the drinking law cam back up. “between states lowed drinking age back to 18. Teen death rates raised during this time. Then by “24 out of the 29 states” put the drink age back up to 21.
INFO More men are more liking to drink and binge drink then women are. (60) Approximately 1,400 people die from drinking incidents. 1,100 of those deaths are from drunk driving. “more kids drink then smoke pot” Most kids have first drink at the age of 13, have drinking patterns between 8 th and 10 th grade.
INFO 15% of people years of age already binge drink. (60) People feel if one is in the military then they can have a beer. (62-63) “The U.S. Department of Defense take substance abouse among military very seriously” (62) Military has found more binge drinking in people from ages Drinking can lead to sexual assault (63) in 2001, 97,000 college students reported sexual assault or rape. Educated people may help them to drink reasonable. Alcohol education is important. Many colleges have alcohol education classes, and bring in out side people to help with me.
INFO Why doesn’t the drinking policy stop underage drinking? Parents are the main person to start early drinking in children. Parents normally supply children with drinks. They think if they let them drink at home they will be safe, then doing it other places. “Children at 13 are more than four times as likely to become alcoholics” (71) People who a tend college drink more then those whole do not. “A person over 18 is no different fro the age group. 18 years can do everything a 21 year old can do but drink. Most parents do not of control over a child when they turn 18. Then are no an adult. This is one reason why it is hard to enforce the drink age law.
FINAL DISCUSSION Questions What are your thoughts of the drinking age being lowered or staying the same? What are the pro’s and con’s if the age is lowered? What are the pro’s and con’s if the age stays the same?
SOURCES them-drink-at-18-with-a-learners-permit them-drink-at-18-with-a-learners-permit Textbook- Current Issues in Health; McGraw-Hill, 2013