TP…..lab work 1)Vigru 2)Standard analysis / conversion 3)User analysis 4)Usage of cuts 5)In Ganil Acquisition ( nota : available files in /home/legeard/TP/ and $GRUDIR/Guser/ )
TP1 : Vigru 1) Launch “vigru” and connect on gru server Setup-> Source (host : ganp858 port : 9090) Addserver & OK Also Connect root file BiDimChIoSiPG.root (coming from the last experiment of Ganil with Indra detector). Display different spectra. 2) Try zoom, statistic, reset spectra and auto refresh. 3) Make new pages with spectra. Save configuration a file and re-use it. 4) On a page display a 1D histo and on the same page the FFThalf using “process” (FFT with no negative part). 5) Display 4 combs on the same page, and do peak search on this page. (The result is displayed on shell consol)
TP2 : standard analyse / conversion 1) With a Ganil Run (/home/legeard/TP/run181b.dat) ( use C script ) a) Do a standard analyse and create raw spectra in a root file. Verify your spectra with vigru (using read file) or with ROOT (using TBrowser) b) Do a Standard conversion of in TTree (one leaf/parameter) (using GAcq->SetTTreeMode(1,”MyTree.root”)) Verify you Ttree with ROOT with TBrowser in ROOT (launch ROOT with “root “ command and then in consol write ”TBrowser toto”) 2) Make spectra alive with infinite read of run (using GAcq->SetInfiniteRead) (do not forget to start spectra server (using GAcq->SetNetMode(1,9090),) 3) Change input device for a random generator (white noise or gaussian) display raw spectra in vigru
TP3 : User Analysis 1)Copy files from $GRUDIR/GUser/* 2)Use a random generator (copy files /home/legeard/TP/ACTION*) 3)Compile empty user analyse, try it (your get the same thing that standard analysis). 4)Add you own spectra (at least one 1D and one 2D) and recompile.
TP4 : Cuts -Modify GUser.C to add new empty cuts -Create a 2D Spectra conditioned on this cut -Run analysis -Create a cut and send it to analysis -See effects on your new 2D spectra.
TP5 : In Ganil Acquisition In a test experiment of Ganil Acquisition : - Create your own gru analysis directory - Compile user files, launch GRUcore, init, start, stop, kill - Nota ( acquisition can be stopped, it is just to see usage of menu) - Destroy you directory with menu