All Surveys Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The relative sizes of the colored bars in the chart above (and on subsequent pages) reflect the percentage of responders for each survey question using the red/green/gray color-coding identified in the box at the left. Survey questions associated with Questions #1-35 can be found on the last page of this report. Use the graphical displays to locate questions with the strongest agreement (e.g., to quickly identify questions with 80% or more agreement) or to find questions that have more negative responses relative to other survey questions. Neutral responses separate the agrees from the disagrees and can help us identify questions for which there appears to be more indifference, uncertainty, or lack of knowledge on the topic. Please note that this page summarizes across all surveys while the corresponding charts on the pages 2 and 3 are stratified based on the response to the demographics question “Oldest Child's Grade in this School”. The stratification aids in identification of similarities or differences based on these subgroups. Notice that while the number of responders differ across the schools, the relative bar sizes can be compared meaningfully because they are expressed as percentages. Please note that the “n= “in the upper right-hand corner of each graphical display identifies the number of completed surveys. N/A (or missing) responses are suppressed from the graphical displays so the total number of responses for any given question may be less than the total number of surveys returned. n=113 surveys
Oldest Student at PCA: PreK/K Oldest Student at PCA: Elementary n=14 surveys n=32 surveys
Oldest Student at PCA: Middle School Oldest Student at PCA: High School n=21 surveys n=46 surveys
1Our school's purpose statement is clearly focused on student success. 2Our school's purpose statement is formally reviewed and revised with involvement from parents. 3Our school has established goals and a plan for improving student learning. 4Our school's governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively. 5Our school's governing body does not interfere with the operation or leadership of our school. 6Our school has high expectations for students in all classes. 7Our school shares responsibility for student learning with its stakeholders. 8Our school communicates effectively about the school's goals and activities. 9Our school provides opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the school. 10All of my child's teachers provide an equitable curriculum that meets his/her learning needs. 11All of my child's teachers give work that challenges my child. 12All of my child's teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and learning activities. 13All of my child's teachers meet his/her learning needs by individualizing instruction. 14All of my child's teachers work as a team to help my child learn. 15All of my child's teachers help me to understand my child's progress. 16All of my child's teachers keep me informed regularly of how my child is being graded. 17All of my child's teachers report on my child's progress in easy to understand language. 18My child sees a relationship between what is being taught and his/her everyday life. 19My child knows the expectations for learning in all classes. 20My child has at least one adult advocate in the school. 21My child is given multiple assessments to measure his/her understanding of what was taught. 22My child has up-to-date computers and other technology to learn. 23My child has access to support services based on his/her identified needs. 24Our school provides qualified staff members to support student learning. 25Our school provides an adequate supply of learning resources that are current and in good condition. 26Our school provides a safe learning environment. 27Our school provides students with access to a variety of information resources to support their learning. 28Our school provides excellent support services (e.g., counseling, and/or career planning). 29Our school provides opportunities for students to participate in activities that interest them. 30Our school ensures that the facilities support student learning. 31Our school ensures the effective use of financial resources. 32Our school ensures that instructional time is protected and interruptions are minimized. 33Our school ensures that all staff members monitor and report the achievement of school goals. 34My child is prepared for success in the next school year. 35My child has administrators and teachers that monitor and inform me of his/her learning progress.