Solid Has a definite shape and size Made of particles that are packed tightly and vibrate
Liquid Has no definite shape- it takes the shape of the container It has a definite size It's made of particles they move slowly but more free than a solid
Gas Has no definite size It also has no definite shape- it takes the shape anything Made of particles witch
Reduce, reuse,and recycle The three R's are reduce, reuse, and recycle
Mass Mass is the amount of matter in an given object
Properties Some examples of properties are texture, size, and shape
Density Density is the state or quality of being dense compactness closely set or in a crowded condition
Weight The amount or quantity of heaviness or mass the amount a thing weighs
Buoyancy Buoyancy is the upward force of water or air
Matter Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass
Elements Examples: gold, silver, oxygen Building blocks of Matter Made up of only one type of matter
Mixture Examples: mixed vegetables, salt water, and grape juice Can be separated - sort by picking, filter, evaporation Two or more types of matter combined Each type keeps its original properties
Atoms Smallest particles of an element
Alloy A mixture of two or more elements one must be a metal Mixing metal with another element can make it stronger
Compound Examples : salt, sugar, and rust Each element loses its property when combined Forms when two or more elements combined chemically